Is it a flaw or a feature - that all my old V4 Subsets load with IK turned on?

I never remember my V4 characters twisting into strange shapes when I attempted to move them before, but now they do, unless I deleted all the IK references in them.

Is this something we have to live with now?

I have tons of old V4 saved characters, this is a drag.




  • They load with IK on in Poser too, as I recall, so probably a feature.

  • They load with IK on in Poser too, as I recall, so probably a feature.

    If I select a V4 and try to translate it in any diresction the arms and legs lag behind...This didn't happen in previous versions of DAZ...

    I don't see how this could be considered an improvement.



  • If you expand V4 you'll see the 4 x IK element lines ( right arm, left arm, right foot, left foot )

    I delete those and she works fine after that.

    The headache is everytime you start a new scene or load V4 back into a scene you'll have to delete her IK's again.

    This also happens with easypose figures made for Poser... if you don't delete their IK's then it acts wonky.

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