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Thanks for testing this out. It is odd that "flowers in the water" isn't across the board. Looking forward to Totte's upcoming fix!
Well I had a little more time to spare tonight to play with the Alien Scenery. I do think the trees are very pretty, I can see me using them more than I initially expected.
Does this work in 4.10 ?
I think I sat 4.11 as lowest DS version because I think I use some stuff in 4.11.
I tried to attach the scene .DUF file but that didn't work (too big I guess).
I then tried all 8 Daises replacements one at a time and found that only replacing the Daisies 3 (02) puts flowers in the water.
Bridge 1 and Grassland 1 is what I was using.
Most probably fixed in the 1.0.3 update heading though the bowels of QA/PASS....
Thank you, I really like what this can do for US scenes.
Very odd that Grand Staircase 2020--which just came out yesterday--already has an update in DIM. Must be a very easy fix.
Was probably already issued long before it hit the store
Also tested Totte's update (directly from him) and it works: no flowers in the water! Great work, Totte! Thank you for fixing it!
You're welcome!
What ever happened to the update? It hasn't appeared in DIM. Is it lost in the mass chaos called the store update?
Here is an image I made by converting the alien scenery to Planet Selena props. It gives me an underwater feeling.
Average time through QA is 30-40 days....
OMG! That is rather shocking. Thank you for taking care of us in the mean time!
I was just thinking of this today. Plus 1 on getting the fix to us in advance!
I really like the idea of this, but it's not working for me at all. US scene takes a few minutes to build, then Alienator is seemingly replacing things for hours on my system without end, even with small low poly items. How long does the Alienation take compared to the US generation for other people here?
What Alienator version are you using? You may need the update (not yet available in DIM), but Totte may be able to get it to you.
Ah, thanks, that might be it since I'm still on 1.0...
I'm not sure if it's the update, but there was an update this evening.
Thanks for the heads up, Richard! Perfect timing if this is "the" update. The readme wasn't updated to provide any clues.
Edit: DIM is cooperating for me today, so I went ahead and installed the update. It is version 1.0.3, which I believe is "the" latest update that solves several problems.
Yay, update! That solved my problem of everything rendering black like I was always inside a tree.
Glad to hear the update made it through!
A question to several folks who said 'This didn't grab be until I heard about the script.'
Was it the base concept of an alien forest, or was it the particular look and style of this alien forest?
I had wishlisted it at first. I did like the forest, but did not need it immediately. Realising the added value of the script changed the priority to 'cart at first opportunity' for me.
For me, the reason it didn't grab me was that I couldn't see many uses for me (I'm not a big sci-fi renderer) - so in other words it was the general concept of an alien forest which didn't grab me.
Hearing about the script made me look closer at the text and all the promo pics, and when I saw the snowy version it immediately made it more attractive. I found I actually love the trees and can imagine using them more than I expected.
[Edit to fix typo - and again to fix more errors - my typing is well off today!]
Same for me. I don't usually do sci-fi renders, so I passed it over initially.
Same for me. I'm not normally a sci-fi fan. I had never purchased the other sci-fi landscape products, like Planet Selena, before either. It was only after discovering the Alienator script in this thread and its more general usage possibilities that I became interested. During the PC+ sale, I bought the cheap Planet Selena and one other alien landscape product super cheap for more variety. I played with them a few times and even posted an image here. But, in general, I think I have my fill of alien/sci-fi plants now.
So specifically, it was the concept of alien scenery, not the style of this forest. Your plants are well crafted and have lots of variety.
It went into my wishlist when it was released. Like the others stating above, Sci-Fi isn't something I render a lot of so while it was appealing, it was more of a "nice to have" than a "must have." Reading about script in the UltraScenery thread made me look closer, and looking closer made this product a must have; Must have now!
I just downloaded and installed the update for OSO with DIM and it still puts the flowers in the water?
Maybe Daz just released the old version and not the updated version because it's still v1 displayed in the dialog?
Are you sure you are not replace things in the water like stones?
And if you look the water (hide the water and iray preview), are there any plants there before running Alienator?
I've really tried to recreate this issue without success.