Voicing characters
Posts: 53
I just baought the "Voice Changer" recentl. Well, where do I get the voices to make the morphs speak?
Store search results:
Providing a link to the product you are inquiring about could be helpful. Many have a Readme [check the product's page in your Product Library in your account] which should provide some information. I am not aware of any product in the store here providing voices. Voices used tend to be from those already installed on your computer, yours, or via speciality sites for voice recordings.
The Anilip2
Whole thread for Anilip2 => click here.
cannot help you with Anilip but text to speech voices there are many options
both free and paid
The Microsoft SAPI 4&5 ones are a good place to start
there are also opensource softwares to create your own
then there are the expensive ones like Acapella, Natural Reader etc
Thank you! I'm familiar with Acapella,they are kind of expensive but the voices sound beautifully natural(considering they're recorded by carefully selected real people),
They're all terrible emotionless drones, with some really quite jarring discontinuities (this problem still not solved in the field). Unfortunately there's really nothing to be done about it for now. Voice synthesis is still at the lambert-shaded polygon stage. It's yet to have it's ray tracing moment.