Understanding dForce settings
So, I'm fiddling with dForce, and having problem getting the behavior I want.
Imagine a piece of ribbon. It's easy to bend and twist, but it shouldn't really stretch. In other words, if you hang a weight from it, it should pretty much retain its length and also its width. I'm having trouble with that. I can dial up the stretch stiffness, but it still seems to get narrower and longer. Either there are some other settings I need to adjust more, or perhaps my geometry just isn't compatible with the way that dForce behaves. This is where lose it - things like "buckling stiffness" mean absolutely nothing to me.
Could any of you dForce gurus school me on this?
I too wish there were layman descriptions for settings in DS. Often times I just keep guessing at settings until I hit something I'm happy with.
The basic reference for dForce is here:
Daz is not good at explaining anything and it's not the clearest bit of writing in the world, but it explains in 3D terms what all the sliders do.
This (very very long) thread has a lot of useful information on dForce and its parameters:
If you don't want to read all of it, try Page 4 for info on the stretch stiffness, shear stiffness, etc.
The person who created that thread (Richard Schafermeyer aka RGcincy) is very helpful so if you don't find the information you need just ask in his thread and he will probably be happy to assist with a particular example.
Yes. I've read that thread. Multiple times. But trying to translate that into "how do I get it to do what I want" is a completely different matter.
Yes. Been following that thread. All sorts of interesting results there, but I still don't grok the various settings, I'm afraid.