Leroy and?

Hello. I just bought the Leroy basic figure for Genesis 8.
I only seem to have got just that.
I was wondering if I should have got the clothes and hair that are in the promo pics?
Wondered if anyone could help?
Thanks in advance. D


  • Phoenix1966Phoenix1966 Posts: 1,715
    edited October 2020

    Toward the bottom of any product page is the very important "What's Included" section, which will tell you what should be included.

    In the case of Leroy 8, it's this:

    Opera Snapshot_2020-10-24_114005_www.daz3d.com.png
    2484 x 708 - 176K
    Post edited by Phoenix1966 on
  • SBibbSBibb Posts: 599

    Did you get the bundle or the just the character?

    If you just got Leroy 8, it'll only be the character. If you got one of the bundles, then it should have anything that comes with the respective bundles.

    Note that promo pics may include items that aren't included in the product, so a character will have different clothes used in the promos that aren't included. Clothing products might use different characters or props, but will generally not feature other clothes.

  • dshielddshield Posts: 51
    Hiya, thanks for the quick reply! I only bought the basic figure, but I was hoping there might be at least the leather jacket in the main pic. All of the links I found showing the leather jacket lead back to the package I bought. A little deceiving, for me anyway. Any idea where the clothes in the promos are? D
  • Phoenix1966Phoenix1966 Posts: 1,715
    edited October 2020

    The jacket, shirt, pants and necklace are from this set:


    and the shirt/pants use this add-on texture set:


    Post edited by Phoenix1966 on
  • dshielddshield Posts: 51
    Ok. Thank you very much for all your help. D
  • dshielddshield Posts: 51

    Hi, sorry to bother you again.
    I'd put quite a few items to go with this figure in my cart last night as they were 50% off. but when Ive come back to buy this morning theyve reverted to the usual price. :(
    Terry hair was still showing as 50% off on the Product page, but full price in my cart. ? ( Theyre both showing as full price now )  Which was a little bit irritating.
    I understand that sales come and go, but is there a certain time things are on sale? Because prices seem to just go up and down without warning on Daz.
    I'm a long time user who's been away from it for a couple of years, but this time around its proving to be such a steep learning curve that I'm thinking of throwing the towel in.
    Anyway. apologies for the rant.

  • Cora ReginaCora Regina Posts: 731
    edited October 2020

    You are trying to buy during a daily turnover. A word of advice: don't.

    Sales change at midnight Mountain Time, where DAZ HQ is. It then takes anywhere from one to 12+ hours for the store to "settle" and the rampant pricing mistakes, glitches, etc. to get fixed. Yesterday's sales are different from today's, so the items in your cart likely aren't on sale anymore. If they were part of the Friends of the Sale group, those artists do change daily.

    The storefront is not what you remember. Now you can expect to wait hours for it to become sort of functional, it will glitch constantly and entire sections will malfunction while they try to fix one problem (meaning you can hit "checkout" and end up getting charged many times what you expected because they decided to adjust a sale that you were buying something from), they will pull items in the middle of the sale and never explain why, or apologize, or even acknowledge the fact...

    At the very least, don't buy between the hours of midnight and 05:00 Mountain Time unless a deal actually carts as something too good to be true. Pricing on items changes immediately at midnight, but it can take hours for the site changes to propagate to customers, meaning you'll see one price and get another. That's how so many of us got bent over yesterday when a bunch of highly desired PFAD items were removed without warning, they suddenly went full price in our carts but the pages all showed $1.99. Ironically, most of us had been waiting for the store to settle, which it still had not completely done by the time they made their boneheaded marketing decision.

    ETA: Basically, shopping here used to be fun, especially during the PC+ sale (with a membership). Now the site is so screwy that fun has become frustrating and you will likely want to devote yourself to doing a whole lot of math on every single cart you put together. Sales have become incredibly complicated now, with multiple banners (for some), stacking discounts, and so on, and the company rarely gets it right in your final total. So, you have to find the best way to save yourself money, which can be tricky (especially when items are part of multiple sales at the same time and discounts break completely), and then do the math to make sure that the cart has the correct numbers.

    Post edited by Cora Regina on
  • dshielddshield Posts: 51

    I see. Doesnt help that I'm in the UK either.
    I'll just have to be careful, as you suggest.
    Thank you

  • Definitely. Time zones will be your enemy, especially with flash sales.

    Regarding Leroy, people have already explained the bundles and how you only get the character + other content when you buy bundles. Unfortunately it seems like the Starter and Pro formats are done for, we had them this past summer but now they've gone to this stupid, multi-bundle themed format. DAZ wants you to buy multiple bundles to get all the character-related content now instead of the Pro bundle. Each themed bundle costs as much and frequently more than a Pro bundle used to (and there are multiple ones now), has less content, and the quality of the content has taken a nosedive overall. Poor quality outfits, lots of filler. Characters in bundles no longer have to use the core figure as a base.

    For Kjaer 8, they even included the core figure in both bundles and offered no discount on the second bundle to those who had bought the first. They just expected people to be cool with paying for the most expensive component twice over; that is how much they take customer loyalty for granted these days. So, get used to being nickle-and-dimed constantly.

    Be very careful. Good deals are much, much harder to come by these days and customer service in the storefront is non-existant. Sometimes you can get help in the forums (post in the Sales Thread here in The Commons, it's usually on the front page, and depending on the time of day a volunteer will make a report which DAZ may or may not do anything about), otherwise it's submit a ticket that definitely won't get dealt with in time.

    Do the math, be willing to dump a cart if the store isn't behaving, and remember that there's always another sale. Stock up on your anti-stress vice of choice and Godspeed.

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