Tom Lehrer Song Lyrics Now Public Domain

For your next musical comedy animation:
"I, Tom Lehrer, and the Tom Lehrer Trust 2000, hereby grant the following permission:
All the lyrics on this website, whether published or unpublished, copyrighted or uncopyrighted, may be downloaded and used in any manner whatsoever, without requiring any further permission from me or any payment to me or to anyone else.
Note: This website will be shut down on December 31, 2024, so if you want to download anything, don’t wait too long."
Every Sunday you'll see
My sweetheart and me
As we poison the pigeons in the park
What a joyous sense of the absurd.
He'll be missed.
He's not dead, just being a good guy at 92 years old. And yes, a great sense of the absurd, plus a great songwriter, pianist and comedian for the chatter between songs. "If we are going to have folk songs about World War 3, we better write them now." ("So Long Mom")
That is So Cool! I love how he worded it too! So Cool!
Not sure which song you mean, but I've always laughed at:
While we're attacking frontally,
Watch Brinkally and Huntally,
Describing contrapuntally
The cities we have lost.
No need for you to miss a minute
Of the agonizing holocaust.
("So Long, Mom")
Clever stuff ...
I was talking about this:
Ah, got it. It reminds me of a programmer who used to give away clever little utilities. "All rights reversed, take whatever you want."
thanks for sharing this!
You're quite welcome, and we all should thank Mr. Lehrer. I don't recall too many songwriters doing this.