Snap Script

I've searched but not found a tool/script that would snap one object (vertex to vertex for instance) to another within Studio. Bonus points if it's something we can already do but I was unaware of it. ;)


  • fred9803fred9803 Posts: 1,564

    Depends what you mean by snap.... move objects in space to the same location, join them as a group, parent them? As objects come in all shapes and sizes they would have to be manipulated even after they were "snapped" together. I don't know of any script but there might be one.

  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,403

    There is the Align tool which allows you to stack one item on top of another (eg the bottom of a prop onto the top of a table).

    It can align in all directions to, not just tops to bottoms.

  • The Align tool sounds familiar. I may have investigated it at some point for some reason. I'll take a look, thanks.

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