Character hight

How do I tell how "tall" my characters are?  I need this to make sure that the hight comparisons of my models are accurate.  If my male stands 6'2" and my female stands at 5'9" how do I make sure that is represented accuratly in my scene?


  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    Add a plane primitive to the scene and increase the Y-coordinate value until the plane is touching the top of the head => The value of the Y-coordinate is the height (with metric preferences the value is in centimeters)

  • TBorNotTBorNot Posts: 369

    Of course, if the other items in the scene are out of scale, it really doesn't matter the height of your people, it still looks "off".

  • There were two methods I use. The one I use the most now is Measure Metrics for DAZ Studio found in the store, this helps with other body measurments as well, bust, waist, hips, arm legth, leg to floor. Its a great help when you want a chacter to be 5'6" and another to be 6'10".  The second before I purchased Measure metrcis was to use a guage that you would use for mugshots. I think I found that one for free on one of the other sites that went up to 9ft.

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