Your daz bridge to blender doc and notes do not match 2.0 software
I just tried to use the bridge to blender.
1. the scripts submenu has completely differnt selections than what is documented.
2. I was never prompted for subdiv lever. It spent 4 or 5 mins moving the character an props around. then ended.
3. In blender the addon was already active.
4. The file named for doing the "install from zip" does not exist.
5. The daz blender import is supposed to be accessible from the toolshelf - It isn't. The convention is to have import appear under the file->import subment. Do conventions frighten you?
None of your notes and documentation address the steps needed for the current version which has been out now about what - 2 weeks? a month?
Time I spent I will never get back. Over promise and under deliver. Good marketing strategy.
If you want to get this to Daz' attention, you need to raise a ticket.
Thank you, felis. Good suggestion. The above was just me venting frustraton, obviously. Now that I've cooled down I'll try something more productive. Like opening a ticket, as you suggest.
That said, Daz eventualy produces a good product provided thay don't change strategy to make it another dead end. E.g., we now have 3 separate yet disturbingly incompatible systems for installing content which are libel to turn your runtimes/libraries into a fluster cluck If you switch from one to another because they keep track of installed status and location in 3 different ways. This, despite the fact that they all use a SQL based content database which seems like it would be a natural way to avoid this type of problem.
*sigh* I'm venting again. I need to go buy some valarian root before I dig into this further.. Yeah. I'll get right on that.