DForce Draping Help

AlmuricAlmuric Posts: 15
edited November 2020 in The Commons

This may have been answered already, and if so I apologize and would be grateful if you'd point me to the appropriate thread. I came up blank on a search, but that might just mean my search fu is weak.

I'm (finally) starting to play with dForce. Overall, I really like it, but I'm having a problem doing realistic draping in sitting poses. For example, in the attached image, my figure is seated and I WANTED the dress to drape under the legs and then flow down the front of the stool. However, using the default settings, the dress flowed down the back of the stool instead. I'm positive there is a way to do this, but I'm not sure how to manipulate the settings to get the right result. Any advice would be much appreciated. 

  • Figure: Karyssa 8
  • Dress: Kaleya's Rave Mini from Renderosity
511 x 724 - 263K
Post edited by Almuric on


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,686
    edited November 2020

    In my view, when using dForce you get much better results using timeline. That gives the options to make adjustments along the timeline.

    If I understand you right, I would early in the timeline place her in sitting pose, and then later on move the chair in under her. That way the chair will push the dress forward.

    Post edited by felis on
  • Oh, I see. Now some of the timeline comments I've been reading are making sense. I'll give that a try and report back. Thank you!

  • felisfelis Posts: 4,686

    One thing to be aware of.

    DForce clothing have a high risk of exploding if it gets trapped. So it is usually best to leave a small gap, i.e. when moving the chair in make sure that there is enough room for the cloting to move, and then maybe late in the timeline move it close.

    Another benefit of the timeline is that you don't have to use the final position in the timeline. You can when simulated move it back to an earlier frame that might look better.

  • DaventakiDaventaki Posts: 1,624

    This video by Esha is great! Well worth the watch I have it bookmarked to be able to refer back when I need to.  Felis tips are great to this is what I do when I want to dforce in a sitting position.

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