DForce melting/falling off/exploding
Posts: 5
Not that new to Daz, but thought I would give Dforce a try(again)and follow some tutorials. Dforce has never ever worked for me. I mean never. I've gone through the forums, tried most of the tips, including switching models, changing parameters, etc. It always melts or explodes on me. Using clothing that I bought on the store. It all fails. The videos online describe it as an out of the box and it works sorta thing, but it has never worked for me since 4.11. Don't feel like uninstalling but if I have to I will. Any help?
Clothing that is marked as dForce? Does it work if the figure is in the zero pose?
Marked as dForce. Doesn't work in any pose.
Also, and this is just as annoying, I moved the timeline pane and couldn't get it back to normal so I loaded a new layout and now the scripts menu is gone and can't find my Daz to Cinema 4D bridge anywhere. Is this a usual problem for this program? This is a pretty annoying problem.
One thing that has tripped me up in the past is the framerate. Keep it at 30 fps if you can. Too low values will make dForce items explode every time.
Usually triangle explosions happen when there is collision between simulated objects and/or object/static object. Use edit-object-geometry-select dforce starting collision verticies and adjust items to reduce/remove collisions. Note: Not all collisions are going to cause problems. Changing collision iterations and smoothing parameters. (IIRC Mesh resolution can help too)
Also don't forget Simulation settings. Better mode, more iterations and sometimes initialization and stabilization times can help a lot at the cost of time. (Dforce can consume a lot of CPU/GPU time)
OK... So Daz is always at 30fps, so that didn't work. Still exploded. I tried the edit-object-geometry-select dforce starting collision etc. and found collisions and adjusted them. Still didn't work. Melted right off. Tried adding a smooth modifier. Error message saying unable to add modifier to object. Simulation settings...all modes tried. Failed. Tried with graphics card and CPU. Failed. I know a lot of people out there love dForce, but if I buy a product I don't want to have to have to spend hours and days finding out how it works. Especially when I go online and all these people are simulating right away with no problems. If anyone thinks of anything let me know. Until then I'll just have to make clothes in Marvelous and go that pipeline.
Does the item come with its own simulation settings preset? Have you tried that if so? Also, do you restart DS? I've found that once a dForce simulation goes bad all simulations are likely to be problematic without a restart.
What products are you using?
If the product you're using is not specifically designed for dForce to begin with, there are a multitude of issues that may occur. For example, weight maps apply dForce settings to all or some of the object. In the case of clothing, you don't always need all parts to have dForce (e.g. collars, shoulders, belts, etc.). Another issue is when objects are not "thin." Thick objects have surfaces on the front and back, and these are calculated as two surfaces. However, it won't result in realistic simulations. In addition, surfaces which are too close together will cause the "collision offset" of dForce to make explosions from the start. So, you need to look at several things to determine why your simluation is failing. There's also the "quality" settings of dForce simluations, the FPS settings of animations, and the complexity of the dForce object geometry. If you can provide screen shots of what you're starting with and ending with, maybe we can all provide better feedback.
ONe thing I have found with dforce is that hair can take part in a simulation and cause explosions (i might be wrong but itseems to work for me) I set everything that is not important to "not visiable in simulation" and it seems to work almost everytime for me and dont poke your figures limbs through its self as some poses can blow it up too.
On side note I set a G8F to dynamic surface by accident when converting some clothing that was non dforce to dforce and OMG that was weird the figure half melted and dangled out of the clothes before exploding!