No option to use gift card to pay for purchases

Since the upgrade, when checking out, Daz3D is no longer giving me the option to pay with a gift card.  (Regardless of what I have in my cart.)

(And as noted elsewhere, even though I'm logged onto my Daz Account, it does not recognize that I'm a Platinum club member.)


--Tim 11/2/2020 6:40pm CDT

NO Option to Pay with Gift Card.jpg
1262 x 525 - 274K


  • Click on "proceed to checkout" and it should let you pick how you want to pay.

  • Yup, 'proceed to checkout' will give you all the usual options including paying with store credit. Works fine. It will calculate the correct remaining credit. Done it today twice with small amounts just to be sure. The store credit running calculations are wrong, but the overall balance will be correct.. Dates go in one direction, direction of calculations go (incorrectly) in the other.  Be brave.....

  • DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,861

    As the above awesome (thank you for helping!) people have stated, if you click to proceed to checkout, it should be there.heart

  • Not so fast!   Sure many payment options are there.  BUT NOT THE OPTION TO PAY WITH A GIFT CARD.  At least not for my account.

    I've attached a screenshot.



    Still NO option to pay with a Gift Card.jpg
    1394 x 865 - 404K
  • Cora ReginaCora Regina Posts: 731
    edited November 2020

    Does the Store Credit section of your account show a positive balance that you can use?

    I ask because I don't have any store credit currently to check, but people have been reporting some really screwy behavior with balances ever since the site came back online. Columns running opposite to each other, amounts missing, etc. So even if one should be there, heaven only knows if it's actually accessible for purchases with the site being how it is (and if it's not that'd be something to open a ticket about, I imagine).

    ETA: Also what Twilight76 said. And gift cards have apparently been all screwy as well in terms of delivery, because of how emails are currently being routed (Maker help you if you ever clicked "unsubscribe" at the top of a Daz email).

    Post edited by Cora Regina on
  • you did put your gift card code into the store or ?


  • DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,861
    edited November 2020

    Not so fast!   Sure many payment options are there.  BUT NOT THE OPTION TO PAY WITH A GIFT CARD.  At least not for my account.

    I've attached a screenshot.



    Please check what Cora and Twilight mentioned and let me know what you see when you go to the store credit section of your account (Don't post a screenshot though since that is more private info) Just let me know if it shows you have a balance that looks right and if anything else there looks wonky. Once a Gift Card is redeemed, generally it should show up in Store Credit if I am not mistaken so the issue may be there. 

    Post edited by DAZ_ann0314 on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,870

    I thought you used to be able to pay with a gift card code WITHOUT redeeming it as store credit first. I think that is what the poster is saying.

  • DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,861
    barbult said:

    I thought you used to be able to pay with a gift card code WITHOUT redeeming it as store credit first. I think that is what the poster is saying.

    I wasn't sure. Thanks for clarifying. Someone else did mention that if you do switch it to store credit then you can use it. So that is a work around that seems to work. Ill make sure the issue is reported though. 

  • electricventureselectricventures Posts: 16
    edited November 2020

    Thanks, Cora, Twilight76 and DAZ_ann0314 !

    Here is what I found:  Store credit shows a balance of ZERO.   However, I do have $347.11 left on a $401 gift card that I bought two months ago.  I also bought a second gift card on Sunday (30% discount), and received the new gift card code without problem.

    In the past, it has never been a requirement that I redeem a gift card before I use it (e.g.: via  Indeed, I made two purchases just last week using the  gift card that I now have $347.11 left on.  I used to be able to just enter the gift card code at checkout.  Is DAZ3D now requiring us to redeem a gift card (ie: convert it to a store credit) before we can use it?  


    Post edited by electricventures on
  • The store credit in my account now shows negative credit, I did have credit...its gone. And I'd also purchased a Gift card and received an email recept of purchase but no further emails with gift card details

  • jbowlerjbowler Posts: 798
    edited November 2020


    Since the upgrade, when checking out, Daz3D is no longer giving me the option to pay with a gift card.  (Regardless of what I have in my cart.)

    (And as noted elsewhere, even though I'm logged onto my Daz Account, it does not recognize that I'm a Platinum club member.)


    --Tim 11/2/2020 6:40pm CDT

    It seems to have gone, even with the PC+ bugs fixed.  IRC the gift card codes have also changed, though I can't be sure because I find remembering the format of numbers quite challenging; I believe they used to be GUID format and now they are 16 digit numbers from a base of, I'm guessing, 62.  Anyway, even if you thought GUIDs were crackable the new codes aren't, so it might be some sort of security thingy.  Not allowing direct entry in the "checkout" page makes sense to me; to check out you have to have logged in, so can use store credit.  Entering the gift card code each time you check out is, well, bad for security and a waste of time.  The gift card email takes you to a page to redeem it as a store credit.  It all makes sense to me; most likely another example of "it was barely used".

    Post edited by jbowler on
  • DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,861
    edited November 2020

    Sorry being pulled like taffy in multiple threads. I wanted to let you know that I did report the issue (not being able to purchase with Gift Card) so I've made them aware the option is missing. As someone mentioned, you can work around by converting it to store credit (optional while they look into it). Others mentioned that work around working for them. I am very sorry for any inconvenience and thanks for bringing the issue to our attention heart

    Post edited by DAZ_ann0314 on
  • jbowlerjbowler Posts: 798

    Does the Store Credit section of your account show a positive balance that you can use?

    So far as I can determine, yes.  The "checkout" page does also and it is the final arbiter.  The numbers on the two pages (i.e. the "balance" number on the store credit page) match.  Yes, the column arithmetic is wrong but IMO it's a very very very minor, unimportant, point that only a total nerd like me would care about/revel in.  Actually, I quite enjoyed working out what the error was.

  • DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,861

    The store credit in my account now shows negative credit, I did have credit...its gone. And I'd also purchased a Gift card and received an email recept of purchase but no further emails with gift card details

    Perhaps try logging out and back in? I know I was having that issue and it did resolve for me (the balance is right for me though last I checked the math to reach the balance was a bit of a mess) If that still doesn't work, put in a support ticket on this please. heart

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