Mech Wagon [Commercial]

Summer is a time for sitting back and taking the kids on a vacation, in a Mech. Well I may do things different than most but hey I still have a mech for sale so check it out before you go on that virtual vacation, the only kind we can all afford. : )

1487 x 2000 - 1M

1200 x 800 - 502K

1200 x 800 - 543K
Looks cool. You always come up with interesting stuff.
will you stop making cool stuff I can't afford. :) Very nice....I love it.
I not sure what DAZ thinks of me and some of this more off beat stuff but.... And the new release of the road warrior movie should make post apocalyptic vehicles cool again. Fingers crossed because I made this last guy a friend.
I love this type of thing, very original which is the draw for me. How about a tunnel boring machine next. ;)
Yep, I love to see all your amazing innovations hit the store. It keeps things interesting. You've got to be one of the most exciting vendors the store has, so here's hoping the sales figures are good to you.
Well thanks to a hand full of you DAZ still supports my stranger inventions. I would love to go even deeper into some of these worlds but...
I would need to fit everything into a swim suit, you know what I mean.
WHAT just a handful...I don't believe it.
Well maybe two hands full but your not seeing them in the top 30 that's for sure. But I gotta do what I gotta do, so DAZ is stuck with me the way I am. : )
Well I don't care what others think I love this stuff.
Thanks! I like um so I'm all good.
You gotta love what you do otherwise what the point. It the same with me making tutorials.