Render size differs from aspect port
Posts: 92
I'Il found something that naver happaned to me. My render size differs from the render port. As you can see in the pictures i have a render size of 2500x1355 in a custom preset, the render is the same size but the firld of view is minor losing all the sides. I can't understand why...
2500 x 1355 - 1M
Screen Shot 11-07-20 at 06.43 PM 001.PNG
1325 x 441 - 27K
Screen Shot 11-07-20 at 06.43 PM.PNG
1918 x 1073 - 2M
your camera's using "Local dimensions", notice the aspect ratio in the upper left side of your screen shot, 46:21.
It's different from your render settings.
Select the particular camera you're set up for rendering from, got to the parameters, or cameras tab, select "dimensions" and turn off Use local dimensions.
That was off, I've corrected the view port to setting the aspect ratio to 3500x1355, Thanks anyway :)