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Just re-tested and in, geoshells are still broken when instancing optimization is set to Auto or (for large distances) Speed. Only Memory works correctly everywhere.
Hi. when I use Daz Studio and I click with the right button and at the same time with the left button of my mouse, my cursor disappears and does not reappear!
This is something specific with your computer or video card drivers. I cannot reproduce it.
That said, you didn't specify where you click when that happens.
Numerous people have found this to be the case
It's a known, frequently reported bug which is ridiculously easy to reproduce when you know how to do it. The cursor actually disappears when the left button is pressed down over a viewport control (rotate, translate) and this is deliberate. It reappears when the left button is released, however if you accidentally right click, as though to bring up a context menu, then release the left button the cursor does not reappear. Repeating the left press/release over the viewport controls does not fix it, but a left click on any of the three drop-down menus at the top right of the viewport does fix it, and this seems to be the only way of fixing it!
There is a second, possibly related, bug that if a scene element is highlighted when the rotate or translate button is pressed the highlight is not removed even though the cursor is; this can make if very difficult to use the controls.
Are you seeing this in the Iray render or in Iray mode in the viewport preview or both? I saw a wardrobe issue with tight-fitting leggings but it only happened in the render.
Iray preview and render.
Looking good after reverting to an earlier version than .12; downloading now.
the past two releases have been the crashiest series of betas i can remember...and i can remember back to 2015.
recurring 'unexpected null parameter' and 'invalid tag' crashes in the version before this one. and lord only knows what the lockup and freeze the new version dished out thismorning was about. i could barely get task manager to launch.
well this version is pretty FUBAR for autofitting,
it doesn't see any of the clones I made
or Aniblocks in the Animate Timeline from my main library (I can drag them from my Library)
it sees my not DAZ content library ones
my 4.11 release build doesn't have these issues
Check the content paths in the Content Directory Manager
first thing I did and it all is in my content library and loads from there
I couldn't save support assets either again 4.11 works
Seems like I had trouble fitting an item (can't recall if hair or clothes), which was for G8; other than that I'm not seeing any issues.
What happened when you tried to save a support asset? Is the Content Managment System working, as far as you can tell?
I am guessing I will need to do database management though it is odd 4.11 shows no issues.
I now tested my other rig and the same beta is working fine there so it must be a machine specific installation issue not the software.
I just needed affirmation of this from other users before messing with it.
This may be related to the Iray origin behavior changes.
I'm seeing weird behavior with a particular dForce simulation; sometimes it explodes in the first few frames, but if I run it again it does not explode. The difference (which I can apparently repro reliably) is that the explosion happens if I start the dForce simulation with the final frame on view. If I start with one of the exploded frames on view I do sometimes get an explosion but if I start with the first frame on view no problem. It doesn't matter whether or not I clear the simulation first (so far as I have been able to tell). This is a timeline simulation with no initialization and no start from memorized pose, the first frame is the memorized pose.
This is just a heads up; it's just a single scene (so far) although it has happened several times in different modifications of the scene. This is; I don't think I saw problems in earlier versions, certainly no earlier than .12
There's definitely something weird going on with this beta, some of my characters look slightly different. At first I thought it's a bad morph, but I didn't install anything in a while and when I load the same character in the non-beta it looks normal.
This might be related to Wendy's problem as well.
I sort of fixed mine by uninstalling, reinstalling and letting it add new libraries it detected which were duplicates of my existing ones.
so now my content tab has them all repeated but it works.
Glad it worked for you, do you use the standard libraries? I have them in a non standard path on two different discs. Space is sparse^^
Iray and dForce have no connection, but noth issues may be triggered by rounding errors when away from the world centre.
It's probably a bit late to mention this (the idea only just occured to me) but it is worth deleting the DSON cache first. The cache gets re-created automatically so it can just be deleted, but in cases like this I would just rename it from 'cache' to 'cache.old' or something like that, it contains plain text files so if it does cause the problem more information can be obtained by differencing the old and new cache directories if that seems to have been the problem. The location is in the General tab of Preferences...
If the cache is deleted the new files record only the stuff that is in use in the scene when it is loaded. This is potentially useful for finding out what morphs are being used. It's probably easier to use one or other of the PA products for this though I'm not sure they cover morphs.
It's exactly and identically the same simulation; absolutely no changes whatsoever to the scene. The simulation runs from Frame 0 to Frame 30, every time, if I was viewing Frame 30 when I start the simulation it explodes between Frame 0 and Frame 1 yet if I was viewing Frame 1 it runs correctly. Moving the character from (0,0,-280) to (0,0,0) makes no difference. Changing from a camera view to a perspective view makes no difference.
The explosion is happening on a wrap-wround denim skirt and it is being triggered by the buttons (i.e. the silly denim brass/copper things) which are attached to the skirt using those I-beam things (rigid follower nodes?) It looks like they start in different places, but it may be that the skirt starts with different morphs; that seems more complex an explanation. The differences, if any, aren't obvious when Frame 0 is on display during the simulation. There are other complexities to the scene (the skirt is constrained to leggings, not the character, for example) but nothing should be able to mess up a simulation in such a way.
me too but fortunately now my i drive only appears once upon reopening but I have some temporary libraries I didn't really want added
no longer working again on my Win 10
works in 4.11
I know it is my machine but I am at a loss for the reason,
it seems to be related to my external drive and having to choose that library (are 3 on there) in the save as support asset library dropdown
4.11 sees it by default if the original autofitted asset is on that drive in that library I am saving to
the reloaded clothes don't fit if saved in 4.15 they do in it if saved in 4,11
4.15 doesn't like my multiple libraries on multiple drives
Mine are all on the same drive however my DIM download directory is on an external SSD USB drive (not enough space on the internal drives). Windows or the device itself stops that drive at regular intervals even though I have disabled all the power saving options; this causes me to lose the drive because it is encrypted (I have to enter the encryption key to get it back) but normally a non-encrypted drive should be re-mounted automatically. Nevertheless this takes time. Check your DAZStudio log file for messages saying the things on the external drive can't be found, check the Windows logs for errors (the drive might actually have problems).
I work round the problem with my external drive by leaving a File Explorer window open and in the InstallManager directory, that stops it being unmounted but it is a PITA (nothing to do with DAZ Productions of course...)
I do frequently check all my drives, run CHKdisk nearly every windows update along with a few other things because every update slows my computer and often changes settings too.
thing is it sees the drive it just does not want to use my clone data from it
I think I know why
DIM has added an extra library on my C drive in Public documents with duplicated stuff
I am cutting and pasting it onto my i drive library, it shouldn't be there and not a path in DIM
it is all Genesis 8 including starter essentials and that is the figures giving me the troubles
the beta detected and added that library 4.11 hasn't
I am not sure if I should replace duplicated files though, will depend if newer
If DIM thinks it has stuff in there you can find it in the "Installed" tab by searching for path::C:/
In general the path:: argument searches for a prefix of the full installation path (with "/" not "\" on Windows)
I can't find a "not" operator; I can search for path:G:/ and it finds all my installed content but I can't find a way of inverting the search and finding everything *not* on G:/, perhaps @richard could help? I also can't find a way of building a proper multiple selection; e.g. things with both "convert" and "genesis".
it may be another issue, I was saving the same outfit as a support asset for Genesis 8 M & F and looking in Data it appears one overwrites the other
the is a 1KB dsf morph file for male and female but only one clothing dsf
I am now not saving support assets just scene subsets with autoadapted data files which are waaaaay bigger but work
I may not keep them after using the Unreal Bridge (already exported FBX for iClone)
I just have to accept autofitting on the fly in future I guess and saving scenes or subsets for use in DAZ studio
so apparently Spring Dynamics by 3DUniverse doesn't work with DS due to the script being encrypted in a later version of DS 4.12. Before I install the 4.15 beta, can anyone assure me that if I open a scene file from in 4.15, use spring dynamics on it, then save the scene filein 4.15 beta, will i still be able to open the scene back in or will the scene file no longer open in the older version of DS?