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Update and Merge Menus removed everything from my Scripts menu and my Bookmarks menu.Why is such a destructive thing recommended?
All these post talk about the same crash with Iray section plane. And how to reproduce it. I could keep going.
I send message to Daz QA, 15th October, with all the step to reproduce it. No answer so far.
We're 11th November,, problem is still not even acknowledged.
Yes, the issue has been reproted - but daz can't reproduce it, it seems to vary by system or by some other factor and until they have a reliable and repeatable way to show the issue they can't expect nVidia to look into it.
Good to know. And I agree, that shouldn't happen. My question isn't why it's recommended, though. My question is why does this action do anything to our saved, custom menus in the first place?
Official position is that users are supposed to wait for shutdown. Once waited as long as 5 minutes and still wasn't clearing out memory.
So, Personally I have a batch file i click on desktop that force-closes DS. Basically just task-kill in batch format for quicker use. After probably a year of this on various DS versions with many long day sessions, still have zero ill effects. My usage is probaly near the high-end, and still it's been fine for me. However should anything negative happen, I know I am on my own. ie. unsupported which is why many follow official position and wait for close.
Looking in Regular Release DocJellyBean wrote it's being investigated.
Thanks for answering, I just hope devs know there is some problem here (could reproduce it on two different machines at work tho).
If I update Daz by mistake, I lose around ~800 scenes, as I rely heavily on section plane for various reasons. Can't also upgrade my system with a 3xxx card as I would be forced to update.
Make things a bit spicy for me lol.
Yes, that is a better question. Do you think we will get an answer?
There are situations where your PC software environment may not be working exactly as DAZ's systems. Case in point, probably 6 months ago a user was having OpenCL issues. Daz support told them couldn't reproduce. User asked for help in forums and in the end their registry had a toggle value that was interfering, and with a modifying of said entry OpenCL worked fine. So many users with different PC systems and Win10 doing "inconsistent updates" from time to time on some users machines is probably not helping either. Only so much Daz support can do and know.
Going to make an educated guess having worked alot with IT.
The safest route from DAZ's perspective is to to restore the whole menus to vanilla each time with that command, so there is no conflicts left behind or lingering effects, just in case. Or something close to that. Is it possible to make this work with user content? Maybe. Problem is if there is any overlap, there could be unforseen conflicts. So, this is likely the safest route.
That is just a guess though, not having poked through everything. So whatev this is worth.
I thought the specific point of the "merge" in the "update and merge" name was to prevent wiping out custom menus. A lot of work goes into setting up custom menus. Deleting them without warning is pretty harsh.
It will do its best to preserve any customisations (or rather to add them back in after updating). I don't generally have custom actions on the Scripts menu, but the process does seem to do a good job or maintaining them in place for the most part.
Nope; no cigar, I'm going to have to stick with my wife's horrible Menthol Marlboros (M&Ms). I have disabled every single plugin, that includes the Iray and 3Delight ones so my Beta is back to "OpenGL multipass" rendering. Despite this the exit still hangs and, apparently, it is waiting on a whole load of Iray threads; 16 (magic number) threads inside libneuray.dll of which one, one very specific one (I don't have symbols so I can't assert this) is always the guilty party.
I suspect the beta has debugging options enabled which actually detect a problem but, rather that doing something good like crashing, just hang. I haven't tracked down one of the DLLs in the list yet; ig9icd64.dll, so that might be a culprit. Everything else seems plausible, even the boost DLLs, yuck; there are three of them, they are all stuck in the Microsoft C library, which suggests a dynamically loaded DLL, which might correspond to a plug-in yet they are all disabled...
Would seem a clarification from Daz programmers how this update/merge should work would be kinda helpful. Interesting to hear there is some kind of preservation intended, but with 2 longtime savvy users both having issues, seems a bit more info is needed to help.
Have only updated/merged menus once myself over the last 2 years plus, but not before a total backup of my customizations. As it was, all was fine after update/merge for what I had customized.
Except for the three out of five it removed here.
I had 3 submenus with a few custom actions underneath them. Everything is gone except only one submenu with one custom action underneath it. Neither I have any idea why others are gone, nor why the one left was the "chosen one". In any case, it was disturbing.
Sometimes the difference may even be something as trivial as the country of residence - I once had a case where a manufacturer in northern america built the exact system with all the same software and drivers that I was using and they still couldn't reproduce the problem (serious), after which I started figuring out, what had they done differently...
Seems that point lights do not cast shadows no matter if its deep shadow map or raytraced. Is this intended or a known defect?
Will there be lights that allow softer shadows for filament? Right now all lights are hard shadows.
Also the play/pause which I set to spacebar is very finicky and does not always stop the playback of the timeline.
+1 on emissives question.
Daz support didn't even bother to answer, not sure they even read lol. And it's too widespread to be just a single PC problem (not sure if I can link another forum).
"can't reproduce", here on another machine with an old 1060 :
I can't test this very well as I haven't added much customisation since having to do a system reinstall a couple of moths back, but what should happen (and did seem to happen for me, at least since an update long ago) is that DS will note the differences from the defaults, replace the menus with the new defaults (the Update part), and then add back the customisations (the Merge part). The actual custom actions should be firmly fixed in the Custom tree on the left of Window>Workspace>Customise.
They are in the custom tree, but not in the dropdown, and refuse to show up there (yes, the paths are correct) - but at least that helps in redoing all of them, even if some then announce that they already exist, but only the new one turns up in the dropdown, even if there are now two in the Custom tree window.
Thank you, I am told that the incorrect loading of libneuray and dependencies has been confirmed and fixed, though it is unlikely to resolve the shutdown issues as those are in the Qt thread pool and Iray is not built with Qt.
I suspected libneuray and the cuda libraries for that matter were some other bug. I've finally found a work-round and, maybe, a fix. I de-installed the beta (where I have the problem), deinstalling all the dependent products (GoZ, measure metrcs, photoshop bridge and Postgres) as well and reverting those the general release. I then removed (actually renamed) the AppData folder for the beta and then reinstalled the beta (and all the dependencies, which automatically de-install the general versioons).
At this point I have normal behavior on open/immediate close; the DAZStudio task sits there for a short time with a non-zero CPU% (about half a CPU) then exits cleanly. I'm now guessing there is some configuration file issue. Since my work round deletes all my script entries (as well as actually turning all the plug-ins back on) I'll try restoriing some of the configuration using the old files.
UPDATE: I could both fix and unfix the problem by deleting/restoring C:\Users\my user name\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4 Public Build\layout.dsx Deleting it restores the window layout to the default and DAZStudio exits just fine. If anyone wants to test this I suggest just renaming layout.dsx temporarily to layout.dsx.saved, if you uses -instanceName # then the file actually exists in the instance AppData directory.
UPDATE 2: In my case I fixed the problem in layout.dsx by deleting the <Pane> element with Class="DzAuxViewportPane"; I've appended the problem element below but it looks well formed to me. At this point I figured I wasn't getting paid enough to keep debugging it so I just copied my general release layout.dsx into the public beta; I prefer having a UI which is the same in both anyway.
<Pane Class="DzAuxViewportPane">
<Setting Type="String" Key="ActiveCamera">PerspectiveView</Setting>
<Setting Type="Bool" Key="AxesOn">no</Setting>
<Setting Type="Bool" Key="AspectOn">yes</Setting>
<Setting Type="Bool" Key="ThirdsGuideOn">no</Setting>
<Setting Type="Bool" Key="PoseToolOn">no</Setting>
<Setting Type="Int" Key="ToolBarMode">1</Setting>
<Setting Type="Int" Key="FloorStyle">1</Setting>
<Setting Type="Int" Key="ShadeStyle">7</Setting>
<Setting Type="Bool" Key="CubeShown">no</Setting>
<Setting Type="Bool" Key="AutoHideViewOptions">yes</Setting>
<Setting Type="Bool" Key="AutoHideViewControls">yes</Setting>
<Setting Type="Bool" Key="ShowToolbar">yes</Setting>
I can confirm this -- I've had DS never closing for several versions. Renaming layout.dsx allows it to close.
Solution here:
To fix this on my Mac, I log out of connect before exiting Daz3D. For me, the long timeout is a network hang.
Seems to work \o/, Thank you!
I wonder if anyone can help. I've download this new version of Daz and the Invidia Studio drivers to match,
The software crashes randomly, see the error below, this can happen during an Iray render, using Iray in the viewpoint, working perhaps too quickly for Daz.
My hardware is decent and all checked out - Nvidia RTX 2080 Super, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12- Core Processor etc
Does anyone else recognise this problem ,,, when you try to log the problem with Daz it say the page is unavailable.
As previous people have written then Daz really need to stabilise Studio or give better hints and tips to their users.
DAZStudio.exe caused ACCESS_VIOLATION in module 'C:Daz 3d\Applicatios\64-bit\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4Public Build\libs\iray\libiray.dll
I don't see a beta in my DIM .... has it been removed, or is there a different link to it?
EDIT: not in DIM, but it's in the product library
Different problem: the link in my product library is not a manual download, it kicks over to DIM, but in DIM there is no way of telling if DAZ 4.14 is the BETA or GR? Can somebody help me sort this?
The Public Beta will be labelled as such. If you see a Daz Studio 4.14 without labels, then it is the GR.