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Go to page 1 of this thread. Follow the "Highlights" link the go to the bottom. The entries for versions after aren't there yet but if you go up from the bottom you can find a link to the "ChangeLog". I'm not going to post it because it's not an https:// link and DAZ needs to fix that; it should be:
Go to the bottom of the ChangeLog page and scroll up past all the non-information about 4.15.1.x (the "private build channel") then find the entry for the release you currently have above that (I guess you could just search down from the top) and read through all the entries to the last one (before the private build channel).
Since the ChangeLog gets auto-updated before the "Highlights" it would be nice to have a link to it on page 1 as well, particularly if it were made https ;-)
Oh, yes; there's a TOC on the left side of the page. Duh. So that allows direct access to the current version, then read on from there.
Ty :)
Any plans for a Linux version one day?
i think the best plan it is switch to windows .
And there is nothing better than that .
Oh... Thanks for that bit of info, that helps, especially since my memory is not the best, so I suppose it's a good feature!
EDIT: Also, wow; what a great time for betas, 4 of them within the last 15 days!
Well like the dumb bum I am, I saw an update in my dimm fro Daz Studio 4.15. blah blah.30.
My entire Daz interface is now complete crap! It will load but keeps telling me dreamsworks blah blah blah file is missing at startup.
Why do I even mess with updating anything associated with Daz ever!
Fustration to the max
opened Dim and found the update still sitting in the install so I told it to install. Still the application was messed up. Opend Dim and looked and the install was still sitting in install. Third time it finally installed properly I am guessing as the interface and all the components seem to be back to normal.
Studio won't open since I updated to this version. Haven't been able to use DS since I installed this. Now the main interface is white and won't open. HOw do I fix this mess?
Uninstall and reinstall. Looks like there was an instance of DS running when you installed the update. Make sure that there is no instance running when you uninstall and reinstall.
A white interface usually means Daz Studio was running, possibly still cleaning up in the background, when the new version was installed. Make sure Daz Studio is closed by checking the process list (Task manager with More Details on in Windows), uninstall, and reinstall to fix that issue.
I hope you backed up the previous install files, otherwise, you're stuck with this version, unless you luck out and you can get another vers from Daz, which is unlikely as most people don't back up their install files so Daz is most likely inundated with these requests...
I don't think it's that bad; apparently the install can bork the user preference files, the files below that were written at 6:29PM on September 4, 2021:
Those are the files that DAZStudio writes while it is closing down. So, because of the "closing time" bug it is possible to close DAZStudio, read War'n'Peace and every single book by Jane Austin, come back to your computer and launch an install from DIM while DAZStudio is still closing down. Resulting in, apparently, a .dsx config file overwrite.
I would be really interested to know whether anyone who had a non-default UI (as I do), saw this problem (as reported by two people) and tried the recommended "just re-install" approach still have the non-default UI.
Yet what you say has merit; I back up my config files :) I had to make that happen myself; I use Windows File History to back up %AppData%DAZ 3D daily.
Other installers I have encountered have a modal dialog that pretty much insists I close down another running instance of the app before installing. Maybe DAZStudio has this and, because DAZStudio is still closing down (not "running') it doesn't work.
That is what happened to me (ugly white interface and just general weirdness). I opened Dim and the application update was still sitting in the install section, took a couple of times, but it installed and that crazy white interface and all the craziness went away. Seems to be really stable once installed.
Once it finally gets installed properly its rock solid. The problem was that it was failing to get fully installed ...why I don't have a clue.
Saving the scene file with the cmd+s key shuts down the application. I am using version on Mac.
So far, Public Beta is working fine for me on Windows 10.
Make sure you save the log file afterward; recent versions of DAZ Studio overwrite the log file, so starting a new instance removes essential information for filing a support request. It's best to start the support request immediately the problem occurs unless you don't want to report it if you can't repro it (that's what I do; I try it again and if it happens again I start to write down the details.)
HI, works fine on a MAC MINI M1 smallest configuration. cmd+s is asking for new file name. 3Dlight is quit slow.
... but not slower like NVIDIA, (without having a NVIDIA card)
DS doesm't, without being t old to, overwrite on launch. It does have a maximum size
It's the default behavior with '-instanceName #'; here's the first line of my current log file:
2021-09-06 14:39:26.934 +++++++++++++++ DAZ Studio starting +++++++++++++++++
I thought it was a deliberate change, but maybe something in the -instanceName handling changed to delete the whole directory at start-up. I find it much better than the every-growing log file but that does seem to still be the behavior when run without -instanceName.
.....there is the VM route, I'm considering a Daz W7Pro VM on a linux server as my next upgrade.
I looked into that, but apparently it means you either have to use the graphics card for the main (Linux) OS, OR the virtual machine. Not both. So that's a bit of a non-starter, unfortunately, since I'd want my new GPU for Daz, obviously (I currently use CPU rendering), but also for the main OS.
Maybe Crossover by Codeweavers is an option. Otherwise I could install an extra 256GB SSD, put a version of Windows on, and just boot via that drive when I need to use Daz.
I have a custom UI as well, and when I need to install another beta I simply murder that pesky instance via process hacker2, but yeah if I'm working on a 20/12 GB/RAM/VRAM heavy scene yeah, it's gonna take an age, but a quick-o scene that's light won't take more than a minute... Oh, and I have my UI styles located far away from the default settings, as Daz studio has redundant file directories for its content folders...
Studio doesn't like giving up its ram without a fight!
As in my library and the content folder has the exact same file structure, so you can easily bypass/delete the My library folder, it's what I love so much about studio, the file flexibility is really remarkable!
Each instance has its own set of AppData files, yes. But a given instance won't start clean unless that is set in other switches.
That is what I remember happening until 4.15, but I can't be sure because I didn't look that closely and it does still happen without '-instanceName #'; after all, it has to because it can't overwrite the .dsx configuration filles in %AppData%/DAZ 3D/Studio4 (well, except it does, on re-install...) The sequence I see with just "dazstudio.exe -instanceName #" using the general release is:
actions.dsx cloudLog.txt layout.dse layout.dsx log.txt menus.dsx StartupScript.dsa toolbars.dsx
The file last-modification time is reset to the time from the Studio4 files but these are different, new, files - just byte wise copies of the Studio4 ones.
So the default, at least with -instanceName #, is to start with a new copy of the base configuration (it always did that) and to start with empty (absent) log files. This happens because the whole (instance) directory is cleaned out; I think that may be new. In particular DAZStudio is cleaning out files and directories it did not create; I was surprised it managed to clean out a directory I created, very thorough!
It does seem rather pointless writing all the .dsx files; they are going to be deleted next time, however that's presumably left over from the default behavior and can possibly be exploited using other command line switches.
I came up with the above sequence by examining the inode numbers of the files; the inode uniquely identifies the file. I also hardlinked the files in an attempt to detect if they were written, but that didn't work because I put the hardlinks in a sub-directory which was also deleted!
My guess is that this is specific to the handling of an instance name which contains a #. This stuff only started in, I assume in response to complaints that DAZStudio had started blocking multiple instances.
In this change was logged:
But then in (bold added by me):
So -cleanOnLaunch seems to be the default at that point and the highlights thread confirms this (search for -instanceName on that thread - there is only one reference) yet there is no discssion of the log files, and my memory (possibly faulty) is that they were not cleaned. The documentation is ambiguous about when happens when '#' is absent. Common sense says that the app settings/UI are not 'cleaned' unless the '-copy' options are used.
I thought the documentation was somewhere in the reference manual but a search gives no matches (I searched for instanceName.) my Linux use would not involve rendering or other serious graphics production, I'd just add a lower VRAM GPU card (like an old 760Ti I have) to run the displays and dedicate the Titan-X to working in Daz as I don't do any streaming of films or television, just occasional youtube vids. Not into dual boot.
My Linux and Windows machines are almost identical; ASUS motherboards, 64GByte DRAM, whatever the current Intel processor was when I built them, RAID SSD Cdrive/root, Corsair PSU, open frame cases mounted to the wall, LED stuff, all that jazz. Both have the Intel UHD 630 integrated graphics and that's what Daz uses for UI; the Titan XP on the Windows box is reserved for rendering and simulation, the display is connected to the integrated graphics. This works well for DAZ. Maybe I don't get the perf I would from the TXP when using ActivePose with too high a viewport SubD setting on something, but apart from utter unusability of animate2 at some points I haven't found perf problems for UI that I can't fix (remember; No Interactive Update for Smoothing, never, ever, particularly on Hair :-)
So if Daz would release a Linux/BSD version I'd be happy; for a while Blender only worked on Linux (bug in Blender with multiple graphics adapters...)
How about this @Daz; drop an alpha Linux version using Qt 6 (after the guys in Gentoo gets round to ~releasing it - OSS is behind the commercial stuff) or Qt 5 (now) and Linux/OpenBSD people will most likely test it, find most of the Qt related bugs, and not complain that it doesn't work (beyond the fact that filing a bug report is, of course, a complaint that threatens the very sole of a developer.)