huge bug with duplicated chain bones

hi all.

i'm building a huge space station with many thing moveable to dock spaceships on it.

but i have a problem/bug,when i duplicate a chain of bones to put this chain on a similar surface part.

first of all i put the duplicates chain bone in the new place then put a "general weight",then "face groups" and that work fine.

so i saved the project. BUT when i reopen the project,all the "general weight" of the original chain bone are totally diseappear and also some of the "general weight" of the duplicated chain but not all,some random without order.

my daz is the that i updated few weeks ago,before that i'm working on 4.11 and never see this bug.

someone have an idea of what happen ?


  • Are you sure the bones are getting unique names?

  • keraberakerabera Posts: 130

    yes yes,it's the first thing i do,renaming them before move,to be sure that i don't mistaken bone.

    i update to 4.14 but same problem

    i delete the daz3d repertory and put a 4.11 backup,everything work fine like before. 

    i started working on this asset when i was on 4.11,may be a problem of compatibility with old .duf

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