Old DIM wipe clean - fresh install - how keep all CMS and DIM off C:
in The Commons
For reasons too painful to repeat (see my recent thread that no one replied to), I am uninstalling all of my Daz3D store content from my computer and then doing a fresh install.
I would like to keep everything away from my C: drive.
I would like to install everything through DIM.
In what order do I do things? I looked at the settings tab inside DIM. It wants to put the packages and CMS on my C: drive. Do I get the option to put it elsewhere?
CMS i don't remember (but probably set at install time), but pakages both downloads and library can be set anywere. Better to set this after DIM install but before instally any package. (you can move, but is more work).
When you install DIM install it to the drive you want to use.
Start DIM in offline mode and click the Settings gear > Basic Settings
Change all the paths to where you want them.
IIRC when you look at the installation location settings, there's a column of "..." buttons down the right side of the tab. Click on that and you get to select an existing folder setting that DIM already knows about, or locate a new one. Don't forget you also need to make the same settings changes in DAZ|Studio, after you've installed it — the DIM settings changes will not be picked up in D|S automatically.
The location of pretty much everything can be customised; where the D|S program is installed, where the content downloads are stored, where the installed content goes, where the content database files are stored... there's a lot there if you dig deeply enough into the settings.
Thank you, @WolfWood, @FixMyPCMike, and @SpottedKitty, for the helpful replies. This should give me enough information to give it another go. Much appreciated.
Just another take......I always just end up finding where all the space is taken, moving and creating a symbolic link
mklink /J "C:\Users\User\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio" "D:\Studio"
mklink /J "C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library" "D:\My DAZ 3D Library"
mklink /J "C:\Daz 3D" "D:\Daz 3D"
Connect/DIm/Central all default to different places and make files in every nook and cranny of my c: drive, I just route them where I want.
Thanks, Dortybassa. I am close on the other approach.
I think I have almost everything set to go except the database for CMS. The DIM settings won't save that. In attached screenshots, everything has been changed to D: except the database.
Did you already install the CMS? Try uninstalling it, changing the location, then re-installing it.
I was able to move CMS away. And it works fine for months and months now without issue. What I did have trouble with was the manifest files. Even though it switched and populated it wasn't recognizing it. I never did a full re-install though. But CMS move worked even though wasn't full reinstall. Just had to much else to do, so just accepted manifest files will be on C.
does the registry play into how DS and D:IM remember where to install things?