Animal lovers: Giant Anteater released [COMMERCIAL]

The stunning Giant Anteater, 13 poses, several morphs, finely rigged and weight mapped for both Poser, Daz Studio and Carrara, and Look at my Hair fur presets to provide the most realistic renders on DAZ Studio.
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1300 x 1000 - 358K

1300 x 1000 - 387K

1000 x 1300 - 658K

1300 x 1000 - 978K

1300 x 1000 - 395K
Post edited by Cris Palomino on
This one went straight into the shopping cart. I'm about to go on holiday but, sometime in the fairly near future, I'm hoping to let it loose on Stefan "Stonemason" Morrell's forthcoming Village Courtyard 2 set, with your raccoon, skunk and the snapping turtle, together with several of my Victoria Sixes.
It'll be quite a zoo!
Awesome! It's really, really gorgeous!! Great level of detail in this one!! :D
Can you make a Honeybadger? :D Not that I need one. They're just awesome!
I'm so happy you're filling in the animal gaps. Can't wait to see what else is on the way! :) More Aussie animals! :D
Thanks a lot folks, I really appreciate your support. Here is the link the termite nest showcased in one promo, in case somebody is interested in using it with this model.
It comes an .OBJ with texture.
i love your animals !
Whoa!! Who knew anteaters can jump? This one landed in my cart with no effort at all.
Really appreciate the Carrara inclusion. You are fantastic!!
Have you seen Alessandro's raccoon? It's weapons-grade cute!
All Alessandro animals are spectacular, I love the skunk too, and the quality provided by LAMH is awesome. I really thank you for doing this models.
Bought, and oh ya.....!! Love the animals!!
Thank you for the termite nest as well. ;)
Not quite; it would be, though, if it had a "shoot implausibly huge gun" pose included... ;-P
A great-looking anteater, that fluffy tail would be impossible without a LaMH preset. In my wishlist for now, definitely going to buy it before too long.
And thank you for the termite nest! A friend of mine was just over in Africa and was *enormously* impressed with the termite nests.
Just wanted to add my THANK YOU to the pile. This is one amazing model! I'm blown away by the LAMH version and still incredulous that I am able to render such a beautiful thing from my home computer.
I have a hilarious idea for a render - will post it here as soon as I get it sorted out.
Thanks for all your time and effort that you put into these much appreciated critters. I hope we all can make it worth your while!
- - - -
Edited to add this very early work in progress. The final will probably NOT be allowed due to TOS.
(There will be tiny little people falling off his tongue, others stuck to it. There may be an overturned, empty, baby stroller and the like. Not sure how all that would go over here. ;o) But it is all meant in the spirit of campy Sci-Fi B movies.)
Anyway, this made me laugh out loud when the idea popped into my brain.
Now, that is too cool Gogger, can't wait to see the final image! :)
If you like you can also post it on LAMH FB page!
As per my earlier promise, here is my second attempt at combining the anteater, a Victoria 6 HD (wearing one of the new Lilith outfits) and Stefan "Stonemason" Morrell's Village Courtyard 2 (with the pool add-on).
The lighting isn't quite right yet but I'm still fairly pleased with the way it's turned out. I've also been experimenting with depth-of-field cameras.
I like it very much Alex, waiting to see the final composition! You may eventually darken the anteater fur directly from the surface pane, lowering specular and, if needed, also the diffuse values.
Here are the latest two efforts. I've fixed the lighting problems which has improved the look of the anteater. I've also changed the texture on Victoria's outfit to something far less glossy and ditched the depth of field camera.
Very nice Alex, well done.
Very realistic hair. You nailed it.
Really beautiful figure and fur! :)
Thanks for the termites nest. Gave this render the final detail! :-)
It's really a pleasure to sit back here and see my critters look so great in your render folks. Thanks for using those.