Frustrating lighting issue
I'm hoping I'm missing something simple and will feel stupid once someone points it out. Here's the issue:
I have a scene consisting of M4 and some clothes for him, the DAZ squirels and a couple of small props. It renders fine.
For lights I have 3 spotlights, 2 are pointed at the 2 extra props, one on each, focused tightly on the props so that only the prop and what's directly under/behind it is lit, one is pointed at the squirrel, and focused so that the light only hits it and what's right behind it.
There IS NO camera - just the various viewports - perspective, front, right, left, top, bottom
Just about everything should render black at this point yet my scene is flooded with light. I've tried this in both 3delight and iray and I'm really confused where the light is coming from.
Is there an HDRI in your scene? Looks like it.
The perspective viewport can also act like a camera viewport and allow you to render if you want just sillhouttes? make sure all your lights are off and enviroment mode set to scene only.
There's a massive downside to doing this — the Views don't really have any controls, you can move them around, but you're pretty much stuck with what you see in the Viewport. Cameras have a lot of controls, one of which is the ability to turn off the preview Headlamp. That might be the source of the extra light in your scene, although the default Environment light is another possibility if you haven't turned it off.
Preview headlamp is on? Or need render Environment set for Scene Only? Or the render Tone Mapping is off? More screen shots with your render settings or light settings may help confirm.
not that I'm aware of, I turned everything under environment off and the dome's the only thing that should be.
okay, i'll try that, thank you.
I know - this isn't final render. I'm trying to adjust the spotlights. I need all the light off except for them.
All I can find on headlamp is taht it's attached to cameras. That's the preview, but the actual render looks the same and i can't turn off headlamps on the viewports... I don't think they have them, do they?
It looks like the headlight is on.... select the camera, go to Parameters and, at the the bottom, turn headlight off.
Go to the Render Setting Tab
On the left hand side, select "General"
On the right hand side, go down to "Auto Headlamp" and click the drop down box and choose "Never"