The Old Railway er... soon tm.(commercial_

Been away along time but this is nearly ready for QA.
It will be split in to more than one product (probably 3, but I'm not 100% sure yet)
Daz Studio only - sorry poser, I would if I could....

900 x 900 - 639K
Post edited by Dogz on
Oh nice :) I was using your Mk1 Railway Carriage recently and was wondering what I could use to make some good railway / station scenes :)
Looks very interesting and curious to learn or see more of the products that are coming out :)
Thanks Ren... a few more before I hit the sack. Including cross looking Gen2M driver, because train drivers always look cross! Sorry not very well lit, but its just to give an idea of scale etc.
Wow! :)
Dogz, this really looks fantastic! I might have to break my spending drought just for this. Also, is there a "third" rail option? The Southern Region in one click!
Good point on the third rail, but you've really captured the look there.
Thanks all
No electrified third rail I'm afraid -In my defense, the train included is Diesel- electric so it doesn't need one :)
Although I could add one a prop one for those who want it. I suppose I did add a morph to the tracks to adjust the width / gauge so they can accommodate other train models too.
Here's a Roof off view of the motor car with its meaty engine..
And finally the station building has an interior also but unlike the train, its limited. basically just ticket hall and waiting areas.
I'm afraid the ticket office is permanently closed - due to time restraints rather than in the name of realism :)
So awesome! I love trains, have been waiting a long time for this. (I have your interior and it is great!) :cheese:
Thanks Luci - it means alot :) This is kind of what i wanted to do the first time around (when i did the railway carriage interior sections) but i didn't really know how to go about it. So yes, this is sort of finishing what I started, In hind sight i should have maybe gone for a different style of train as its interior is quite similar to the first one I did already (although not identical - its undeniably the same style), I think Daz will be the first ones to beat me with that stick when i upload it for review.
Wow, you have really out done yourself!
Thanks for your kind words Matty :)
hey remember that problem I had with saving the above rail cars out as .Duf,? where the doors and windows would either not follow their respective bones at all, or bend organically like animal limbs?
The solution was so simple, Select all nodes in the scene hierarchy, Go to weight mapping, right click > Edit,> Fill with 100% weight, then Edit > memorize rigging.
It took about 10 seconds, and I honestly could have slapped myself afterwards. :D
Since I kind of worked out Prop rigging in Daz studio, Its actually a real joy to rig with.
Oooh, want. Very want. Very, very, very want. I can hear my bank card crying pitifully already. ;-)
I have your Mk I coach also. Like the look, of this also. Thanks in advance.
Very nice, but I wish it was a steam train!:-)
Was actually thinking I Might do one later down the line (no pun intended) if it sells ok, and If I do Ill add some old style signals to support it.
I was about to swear it looks that good. Could have done with a little more wear and tear on the textures but I can do that myself if needed.
Yeah I still have some more work to do with some of the textures, need to tidy up a few seams on the terrain and blend some areas into each other - but everything else is now finished more or less.
Not sure what you meant in particular but The for the UV's - most of the brick work along the track and the Train exterior should be graffiti ready. (not tied for the most part) but Things like the Ballast track bed, train roof and station building are tiled though.
I admit that some of the textures don't pack as much detail I perhaps would have liked, but because of time constraints and the scale of the project, I've had some make some compromises there or else I was simply never going to be finished.
Don't take this as criticism as it is not meant to be but the yellow strip looks freshly painted...I like to see some wear on it. The Green lamp post looks new too, but it isn't a close up. The concrete could have done with more aging. The signal post and ladder looks new, the bridge doesn't have enough dirt etc to be realistic. But as I said I could do all that myself. Way am I saying this if I can add these details myself? Well simply put I think adding more realism in to the textures would make for higher sales figures IMHO. And this looks to be a great product but it could be awesome.
Not at all mate^, Criticism like that is most welcome as it is both constructive and helpful :), I don't just want to post images in the hope of having my ego massaged or something, it might be nice hahah, but in truth its self-serving and helps no one, least of all myself.
I will make best endeavors to look into and address at some of the things you have mentioned, so thanks man :)
LOL very cool I am glad you took that as it was intended. I can massage your ego if you want but I will cost. :) Now if the set was crap I wouldn't have said a thing but it isn't. The modelling looks good to my untrained eye and it reminds me of many platforms here in Blightly. Something that I have wanted for a while now.
My husband used to work at the Isle of Wight Steam Railway and he likes it very much, especially if you do a steam train. Certainly would look better if it was a bit grimier though!
Well who am I argue, ok more dirt is the order of the day, - basically more Britain and less Switzerland right? :D ill see what i can do.
You know I did contemplate leaving a turd in one of the train toilets as a vaguely authentic Easter egg, but I restrained myself :)
ROFLOL that would have been funny to see,
oh mate that came out well, nicely done. I will have to wait until xmas for this but well worth the wait if you ask me.
PS shame about the gauge not in real world measurements. But they came be replaced with some that are. :) I still like it though.
Brilliant set Dogz. I really love it. Can't afford to feed the family now, but , well let them go hungry!:lol:
A very quick render straight out of the box. Just waiting now for the steam trains to turn up!!!
Thanks and thanks to you both - and nice render... Er steam trains, you know what i will have a go at one at some point, (the Thumpers trailer car would work alright as its carriages too i guess)
But right now I've still got train blindness If you know what I mean :) Feel free to send me pic of what you're after though.:)
Until my income alters (which is hopefully soon), I can only really justify purchases of stuff my most immediate projects are in need of, but have to say this looks astonishingly good!
The only flaw I can see is that the internal seating arrangements on the train looks a little more upper-class than what I'm used on British Rail, but aside from that, seriously... This is amazingly good quality. Well done!
LOl am waiting for those Green Plastic outdoor seats to come next on British rail. ;)
Whats British Rail? Surely You mean, Southern, Arriva, First Capital Connect, Virgin, and.... Macdonlds, etc.
It costs more to get a return ticket from London to Cornwall that it does to rent a house there for a week, lol no wonder everyone jets off to Spain every summer.
And while we're at it..... whats a seat? I don't remember the last time I 'SAT' in a train ;) maybe they'll just relax the health and safety rules so we can ride on the roof like they do in rural India, the only difference is that we will do it in desginer clothing and Ipads:D
LOL too true Dogz