How to Prevent Skin Seam?
Hi everyone,
I have been working on my custom character, with her body finished I am now trying to make her skin.
What i cant figure out is how to prevent that sharp straight line that separates the legs/hips texture from the torso one.
I did an exaggerated speckle on the skin so y'all can see what I mean.
What am I missing here?
800 x 593 - 131K
1280 x 1656 - 167K
this region is the transition from the torso texture to the limbs texture element.
So in your picture creating program you have to put both texture pictures together as the textures do on the resulting character. Now create some kind of continuity at this transition.
For those complicated textures as yours I think this is the most effort of texture creating.
I didn't do such highly suffisticated stuff up to now, but I think this could be one way to solve your problem.
The only problem is lining up the image just right. There has to be a way that everyone does it that makes skins.
Most people don't have a pattern like that that they need to deal with. In most cases the seaming is dealt with by going over the edge of the template just slightly and blending that into the skin.
You might go for a direct painting on the 3d object, many software allow that or try add the pattern with LIE.
And I saw maybe an other way with blender:
Did you fix it? I can't see a seam at all..... Interesting skin texture.
No the seam is there lol It is kind of hard to see, but it bothers me still =3
Its just an exaggerated speckle to show what I was trying to explain. Some of my character to have stripes so it could really be an issue in the future.
For now I am working off of editing the base female skin for genesis 2. i know i cant redistribute it (its just for personal use anyways) but for now I don't see another solution =/