Camera spawning position

Okay, this is probably a result of my own dumbassery but cameras don't spawn where I want them to.

I set up a camera as child of a character to keep the viewpoint position at eye height while moving it around. Works okay so far.

Then, once I moved the character to where I want to create another camera and spawn it off the settings of the first one it spawns at the zero position. Don't like it but I can kinda understand how that comes to be.

But then, if I unparent the first camera off the figure and spawn another camera off the setting of the one that now should have no implied transformations inherited from its parent object the new camera comes into the scene somewhere else altogether.

Bug or feature or user error?


  • Which options are you selecting in the Create New Camera dialogue?

  • AscaniaAscania Posts: 1,855

    Which options are you selecting in the Create New Camera dialogue?

    "Copy Selected Item: Camera XXX" or "Apply Active Viewport Transformation: Camera XXX"


  • Since you are starting from a camera could you save a stripped-down verasion of the scene and put it up for testing?

  • AscaniaAscania Posts: 1,855

    Since you are starting from a camera could you save a stripped-down verasion of the scene and put it up for testing?

    And somehow now in this experimental scene the cameras spawn correctly part of the time.

  • Ascania said:

    Since you are starting from a camera could you save a stripped-down verasion of the scene and put it up for testing?

    And somehow now in this experimental scene the cameras spawn correctly part of the time.

    Well, of course - the whole point of being an imp of perversity is to be perverse. I'll have a quick look, see if the imp has slipped into the zip or if it behaves for me.

  • Certainly somethig is odd - if I use the Apply Active Viewport Transforms while the camera is parented it appears in lamost, but not quite, the right place (<?> for all non-zero values). If I unparent it the esult seemed to eb a match, but the Y rotation was <?> due to a change in the last digit.

    Copy Active Camera, with the camera unparented, gave an exact match and the same with it parented.

    I don't know if this is a bug or in some way expected, though I lean towards the former. Anyway, it does seem to be somewhat consistent, and I don't think it's user error.

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