General software quality
Since I faced the problem with "Retrieving Product Codes" as well I digged in the web and found also the entry which described my situation as well.
Not only, that there I found no solution for this problem, I ask me the following:
Does nobody of the DAZ-Team read this forum as well? If they do, why for 1 1/2 year a SW-Bug is in which forces a DAZ-User to kill the application (means to throw away all the work she or he did) even if he clicked by chance on a certain icon.
There is either a TimeOut or a Cancel button requested so that the work can continued. I wonder, that the programmers of DAZ don't take care about such essensial things!
The forum is not for bug reports - to be sure a problem is logged you need to open a support ticket, for Technical Support. In this case it isn't even clear what the problem is, at root - I suspect it may reflect an issue with the affected users' content databases, certainly I see no problem applying the M4 genitals to Genesis.
If I would find a location where I can do it, I woult place it there.
Nevertheless I guess, you did not fetch the real problem: It must not be, that a SW offers any window where it's not possible to cancel for the case that something does not work. Even if I do not know the exact background for this problem, but as the message says, it might also appear, if - for any reason somebody absolutely different is to blame (like a break down of the internet connection) - I can not go on with my work and have to throw away my entire done work!
Top of every forum page, Help / Help Center, there is a link on the top right side of the page to submit a bug report. There are some bugs that only a few people encounter making them nearly impossible to diagnose and repair. I could not replicate the bug when I tried the same thing as in the linked topic thread you provided. Are you using the latest version of Studio and are all your content files version up to date?