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this is Ripley.. her body is G8 with an invisible head, her head is G1 with an invisible body parented on to the G8 neck.
None of the large head morphs transfer via genX or riversofts stuff
So this is my temporary work around to use my old characters (actually about 20 cats) have been converted this way.
Gives me access to the new posing and outfits and let's me keep their heads together.
Yeah, that's a good option for those older heads that aren't really transferable, also a good option for stand-alone figures. I did that there with Blue 2.0's head on Genesis 8 Female:
I'm going to try that with Cookie one of these days. It would be cool to use the adorable Cookie with my G8F wardrobe.
..I once did that with AIko3 and Sadie many many years ago.
Absolutely! Obviously I don't mind the brawny types, Gianni 6 is my bestest boy after all, but I'd really love to have more lanky, lean, but still realistic guys who are built that way without being a caricature or toon. I like Ollie 8 a lot, especially his Jonah character, but he's not at all realistic or really meant to be. I feel like probably the closest we have in G8 would be Nix, who I really do like, and perhaps Owen? But they're still not on par with longboi Elijah.
We have an abundance of willowy elven and fae characters for G8F, though, and willowy teen characters for G8F, and male counterparts for few or maybe none of them. I really just want a handsome, long, leanly muscled elven guy at this point, instead of another Bronan. I have a stable of those and I like them (Ashan, Valentino, Kimo, etc.), but an all-beefcake diet gets tiring. In general, more diversity in size, build, height, and age would all be great. They've gotten somewhat better about the last one along with racial diversity, at least.
I'd buy that in a heart-beat! lol :D
And to bring it back on topic. Many of the "Official 6" characters are outstanding sculpts and they polish up pretty well with some Iray surface settings. Here's Michael 6 (with some Altern8 tweaks and some pectoral size reduction):
There really isn't a reason, imo, to stop using older characters if you really like them. :D I love Genesis 8, but I do enjoy working with older figures every once in a while as well. It definitely doesn't need to be either-or. :)
I still use G2/6, G3/7 along with G8 fair few times together in scenes. V/M 4's and Gen 1 not so much still used them in some stuff but mainlt not cause don't have as much
Oh, now that's an interesting idea! I might have to borrow that idea myself. I love Cookie! I never thought about parenting heads from earlier figures like that. I'm definitely trying that in the near future. :)
just thought I'd sharecouple renders did using some even older characters even older then G2 - aiko 3 and add on xin xin. Don't know if could really makeuse of these really, maybe as a toy/doll or something no expressions ans couldn't even open mouth so don't know but older stuff like this like said could probably work pass as dolls for G2 onwards
Here's my attempt (G8F on the left, Cookie on the Right):
Cookie comes with just a head that you can load so that made it super easy to just parent that to G8F's head.
Here are the morphs I used if you're interested:
I also added a Push Modifier to G8F and a Diffuse Overlay to the base G8F's skin:
If you add a Push Modifier to the character you might need to add a push modifier to clothing too.
I think she came out pretty well! I can see me using "G8F Cookie" more since I have so much more clothing and poses for G8F.
that's pretty coveniant with cookie with the two though your 8 has bit more shape detail with the ankles works really well
Hmmm... my previous post disappeared!
I repeat it here.
Yeah, Genesis 1 is my first choice. But I do use M4/F4, G2M, G3M and G8M (in decreasing order) for specific features and clothes. I occasionally still use M3/F3, but M2 and M1 stuff are not even installed in my active library anymore but I do have it all in my model archive.
My favorite has been G3 and I purchased almost everything for them but I do have G2 stuff. I actually have stuff from every generation. G8 does not seem any different to me from G3 so I limit myself from going there but thanks to plugins I can convert interesting G8 characters to G3 (although I haven't gotten around to that yet). As far as realism goes, I can recall seeing amazing work by artists using V4 back in the day. So even though it may be easier for some to achieve realism in G8, it can be achieved with any model.
If your heart is in G2, keep enjoying it. I believe there are plugins to convert G3 to G2 characters if you want to.
Oh, I love G2. Still keep a significant crew of G2's hopping in and out of my renders.
I started using Daz with Genesis 1, and bought figures and items for all the generations, but G2 is still the one I prefer because of the higher detail of the mesh. Would love if it had the expression bones introduced with G3, though.
...yeah G3 is pretty much where I got off the bus as well. Having to spend all the resources necessary to "retool" for yet another new Genesis generation all over again could not be justified given the minor improvements over it's predecessor (also really wasn't keen on rebuilding all my characters for yet another generation).
However, never thought that G8 would have as long a "shelf life" as it has given what seemed a usual two year interval of between Genesis generations. G8 introduced in June of 2017 has the fourth longest "lifespan" of any Daz figure (3 years 5 months) behind Vicky 2 (4 years), Vicky 4 (4 years 10 months), and surprisingly, Mike 3 (5 years 1 month).
I also have the character and clothing conversion tools for both G8F/G8M to their G3 counterparts (didn't bother with the hair one as manually fitting/parenting hair is not as difficult as clothing).
Cookie heads on G8 good idea...
but a cookie body clone for genesis would be nice to allow all the cartoon wardrobe to work will all the poses and bodies available
Yeah, I'd LOVE a Cookie Clone for G8F! :D She has some adorable clothing. Not a WHOLE lot of clothing compared to the Genesis figures, of course, but she does have a few really cute things that would be very nice to be able to use with G8F! :D
Oh! Super nice! Those morphs will come in handy. Thanks. I like your Cookie on G8F. I'm definitely going to have to play with that. :)
Yeah, that would be nice. I have a lot of Cookie clothes and I have plans to pick up more. Cookie will never get old. I wonder if Lady Littlefox has ever considered upgrading Cookie? She did with Star so I guess anything's possible. 'Twould be nice. :)
I don't use Genesis 2. Mostly because the characters I use the most are genesis 8. I tend to adopt the new generations, and unless there is something I can't do with them, I look forward.
I'm still using Genesis 2, but mostly for Lilith 6. My first animated Filament render is with Lilith 6. I fell in love with Lilith 6 as soon as she was released, but I didn't buy her until a few years later (her Pro Bundle was in a sale, and cost around $6).
I still have some love for Aiko 6. But Lilith is my "go-to" model, if I want to do a scene with an "older" model.
Lilith 6. Yes, excellent! :)
I am using Victoria 2/Michael 2 to Genesis 8 ... LOL
You do know that the Cookie download includes a head only cr2? So no need to make a body invisible ...
Edited to add: sorry - should have read the whole thread. Thank you for adding your recipe for the body!
Must admit to never having used Genesis 2. Geneses 1-3 came out while I was having PC capability problems. V4 needed enough grunt to cause me problems in 2007 to the extent I gave up on DS between 2007 & 2019. In 2019 I got a second hand machine that could cope with Genesis 8, so I have the odd position of V3 & G8F being my most used characters, a mere 5 generations apart.
Sorry to stumble here bit late but here's someone who still uses the original generation 3, 4 and genesis 0 characters. Like... I bought them with my own money, so am gonna keep on using them. I haven't really even gotten much to whole Genesis 2, not to mention to genesis 9 yet. Probably might not even get there. Who knows. Like if am not gonna be abe to get machine that runs them well enough for my liking. My current laptop really isn't running all that smooth with newest of content anyway. Sometimes I have to go easy and render stuff in parts to save the machine's capasity and prevent it from crashing.
Sure some of the newest new looks cool though but it's not really what I want to create my artworks and fanarts with. Newer stuff just doesn't perform the way I would want it to. It probably might if I were to study how to 3d sculpt but am not because that again would require equipment that I don't have.
Which is the "make it Iray" shader, again?
Im stillusing V3,M3.V4,M4 and all the gens. they have there use
!Iray Uber Shader
It's got an exclaimation point at the beginning of the name to make it appear first - which doesn't work since other products have come along after and used the same method to put their own items first. Sometimes with multiple exclamation points!!
I'm using G2 only for big populated background scenes in order to add variety.
For main characters g8 only.
Every older generation is good with post-processing. If you don't have a good GPU use the older generation. It has 1/10 or less render time and you put the picture you got into a post-processing program to improve the quality of the image. Not to mention some new hair products are GPU killers XP, the old hairs had bones and were less resource-heavy.