Updated to but Filament does not appear in the menu

I updated to to try the new Filament render engine but the option to select Physically Based Rendering PBR from the Viewport mode is not there. What am I missng? I am running DAZ on a 2013 Mac Pro.




  • Filament is not in the macOS version of DAZStudio yet.

    Would have been an especially nice thing to have included for Mac users, since Nvidia GPU-enabled iRay is not an option either for most Mac users. Though, your 2013 Mac Pro is one of the few that can work with Nvidia as you probably know (via an e-gpu box? was possible in 10.13 days anyway.)

    Tough days to be a Daz user on the Mac, with the Big Sur incompatibility as well. I expect most Mac users (like myself) also have a Windows box for other stuff including Daz.

  • Thanks. It would have been nice if that was in a footnote somehwere. Maybe it was and I missed it.

  • LIKLIK Posts: 129

    Bummer ;-(.

    When will filament be available for macOS? I hope it will be soon.

  • Same. I didn't even know about Filament until a friend pointed it out to me just now. It's been about a year since it came out on Windows, right? Any updates? 

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    I may be wrong but I think I've read that adding Filament into Mac version of DS required updating the version of Qt framework DS uses and so could only be done in DS5.

    That said, initially Daz thought they couldn't get DS4 working on Big Sur and would need to release DS5 for that, but they found a way to in the end, so it might have changed.

  • Leana said:

    I may be wrong but I think I've read that adding Filament into Mac version of DS required updating the version of Qt framework DS uses and so could only be done in DS5.

    That said, initially Daz thought they couldn't get DS4 working on Big Sur and would need to release DS5 for that, but they found a way to in the end, so it might have changed.

    No, this is - I am  told - still the case.

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