DazStudio and Daz Dim not Compatible MACOS 10.11.6
I trusted the updates form Daz Dim to uptade the both software. And the web site indicate no problems of compatibilities.
2.00 GHz Core 2 Duo (2.4 GHz or faster recommended)
Mac™ OS X 10.7 or above
2 GB RAM min (3GB+ recommended)
1GB free hard drive space for installation
OpenGL 1.6 compatible graphics card with at least 128 MB RAM (Hardware accelerated OpenGL 2.2, or higher, compatible recommended with 256MB+ RAM)
NVIDIA RTX 2060 or above recommended for Studio 4.12. NVIDIA Iray Render Engine: 64-bit only. CUDA Compute Capability 2.0 or greater required.
Probleme since I updated I can't connect me anymore to the shop and i'm unable to download, install my content. My Mac is above the expectations of the mininal compatibilites recomandations. But this is wrong : Mac™ OS X 10.7 or above in fact it's now Mac™ OS X 10.12 or above.
I contacted support to have explaination and the confirm me that MacOsX 10.11.6 is not compatible anymore and that I must upgrade to 10.12 minimum. Impossible on my 2008 computer. Max version is 10.11.6 since few years. And my computer still very well working. So no plan to buy a new one with big sur not compatible to at this date.
The other tip of hepdesk is to donwgrade my version of daz to the 4.12. But they can bring me any parkage because they don't keep old versions. So I search on the web to find a n old package. No success. Majorities of link bring me back to the daz3d.com web site to download the last version event if I demanded an other.
Maybe one of you may have Keep the last 4.12 version and coul bring me a link ? But it's not the only problem. The DazDim version seem to be not compatible to. It crash all time. So maybe one of you have also keep a version.
At least the new dazcentral is not more compatible with 10.11.6. So no alternative.
I purchased a MacBook Pro a month ago, and wipe out my previous mac to give away. now I dont have a copy of 4.12.86. I'm so screwed. I wonder if you put windows on the mac would it work. I'm not a gamer nor animator, I used it to created characters to print out. I hope Daz comes out with a solution. I'll submit a ticket, but I think they are overwhelmed and not getting back to tickets so quickly. I'll keep searching for solutions