Where can I find AniLip2 in DAZ Studio
where can I find AniLip2 in DAZ Studio 4 now?
I bought the license.
As the uploaded image shows, it is marked as a green plugin.
But it is not in the tool-list.
I used it some months ago. But I spent 4 hours today to reinstall DAZ Central and DAZ Studio because I couldn't find it again.
DAZ Studio says: installed (Button contains OPEN)
I must be doing something wrong, but I don't know what.

1040 x 913 - 89K

3840 x 2160 - 873K
AniLip 2 is not a tool. Look for a pane to open under Window > Panes (Tabs) > ... ;-)
thank you. So simple. And I didn't see it yesterday.
You're quite welcome. Sometimes one has to close/open D/S to see newly installed plugins.
it dosen't show up in my tabs !!