Breast Control for Genesis2 Female (Now Available) [Commercial]

Hi Guys. So I am finally getting somewhere with this. Took a while to decide what to add because Genesis2 already contains breast bones. Basically it will have similar but better morphs compared to the G1 breast Control morphs from and will contain a new impact system as well as a bunch of other additions.
It will be configured to work on its own and with the breast bones of Genesis2 for added control. So basically you can use the morphs and add further adjustments via the bone control or vice versa. I have recieved lots of PM's about what people would like in this product and I will try and incorporate as much of the suggestions as possible. Basically I will try to include a shaping system where you can create any type of Breast Shape as well. This product mightl also be a merchant resource. Look forward to suggestions before this gets packaged and maybe I can add in a few requests. Will post shots when things are a bit more finalized. Thanks
Good deal. You may or may not remember me but we briefly talked when I went on a Zevo spending spree and I've been a fan of your stuff ever since. I look forward to this. with i13 having just released 'squish' morphs, will your impact system be something similar?
If you are going to add breast shapes, you also add bra shapes? Vintage clothing will need a vintage style bra shape, and today we have the sport, full coverage, push up, and demi styles that shape our breasts differently.
i agree, would love to see breast shapes for different types of bras, especially push-up and cleavage shapes where the sides of the breasts aren't flattened or elongated.
Yes it will. At this stage I have 5 impact zones
I'm not really including shapes, but rather morphs to create your own shapes. I will try to create some Bra presets but its going to be a challenge since clothing sold have different bra lines, but I'll try to figure something out.
Most of the issues that I have with clothing since V4 is how unrealistic it looks. Especially corsets and other body shaping clothing. Clothes modify a woman's body to create an idealized shape. If people want historical clothes, it needs a historical shape to make it realistic.
Maybe a body shaping package is the best way to do it. A bra and corset morph set.
Agreed.. To be honest it is up to those vendors to supply such body shaping morphs for their clothing, to ensure that particular item fits best. To go through all of the clothing and try and cater for body enhancements in an external package is tedious lol. There is no way to gage who bought what item of clohing and what ones would be best to support.
Well, we can always hope :)
That is good to hear :D I was just about to ask you in a pm if you were working on it :D Looking forward to see the result :D
So far the results are coming along nicely. Also to narrow down the visible morph list, multiple dials are being assigned to single master controllers for easier control. This also results in better and easier morph blending. EG instead of having two morphs such as move up and move down, both are assigned to a master dial called move Up Down, so the individual morphs are hidden. I plan on having two structures. One under pose controls for the movement, and one under shaping for creating breast shapes.
This sounds really good stuff. I will eagerly await further developments.
SHould have pics and details by next week. Everything is in pieces at the moment lol. Just making sure it all works like it supposed to..Lots of testing on multiple shapes :down:
Sorry for my absence. Been working hard trying to finish this up. Here is the morph list. First pic is the Shaping morphs, Second is the movement morphs, and third is a pic showing how one movement dial calls up multiple morphs to greate a more natural effect. The product is essentially a 2 in 1. It has a movement system and a shaping system. This will also be a merchant resource. You can even combine shaping and movement to create unique shapes. Busy on the promo vid now, so in there all will be explained. I am so behind lol.....
This has also spawned a side project. It's a clothing corrector for G2F. Essentially it will add movement morphs to clothing, unshrink wrap breasts, smooth areas of clothing etc and do some other things. These will not be character specific, but universal controllers so in theory it should make things easier to manage. More about that later. For now I need to finish packaging this product. :P
I am really looking forward to see this product in the store and then in action :)
Can I take the number two position in the queue?
Yes you may lol...
Will be be released during the pa sale?
Yes, that is the plan. In terms of what date I have no idea lol. There will also be a bundle available which contains Breast Control & Glute Control together and it will be called Glute and Breast Control. You only need the bundle if you have not previously purchased Glute Control for G2F.
Cool, I guess I already purchased the glute morphs :/ don't remember buying but daz says so, can't wait for this, and still need to buy your vascularity bundle
Lol I forget half the stuff I already bought. Now the other day I clicked on this hair because I wanted it for a promo and the status said already purchased. Oh the joy!!!
Ya, time to fire out the usefulness of the glute product to put some use into it lol
This looks great, I hope.
That's great! Breast movement morphs include the hanging boobs shape as well, right? If it does, that's what I'm looking for! Yay!!
Yes it will:) It's now called the depth morph. So you dial it up or down depending if the character is lying on her back or bending over.
Yay! I'll be in the queue behind Alex, then :)
All will be shown as soon as I finish up this promo vid showing each morph and how it can be used to work for your renders & animations etc
So ... the same sort of correctors and smoothers that Sickleyield has been doing? What will the difference be?
Not entirely. The main difference is that these will not be figure shape specific. I'm trying to design them to be used on any character. This means I wont have to duplicate the same thing for a different character, where one morph can be used across all, EG universal controllers. Also I plan to add a wider range of control, movement and adjustments, not just smoothers. You will also be able to adjust the smoothers eg distort them. But it's still in draft stages at the moment, but so far from what the test morphs can do it's my new favourite toy lol. But we shall see how things progress.
Will it do the jiggle?