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The point of this workaround is not to allow it, but to toggle it. Change it. It doesn't matter what it's on, change it to the other setting.
I'm not sure in Firefox but in Chrome it is the 3 dots in the upper right corner > more tools > extensions > Daz Deals > details
I misunderstand that. I have to do that every time. So it works this way: start the browser (in may current case Edge), toggle the hiden moden. Then go to the DAZ Page - it works. But only for this Browser session. So next time do the same!
That works. Thank you @Ati
That's how it works, if you have this issue—which some of you do face, unfortunately. This is not ideal, but at least a workaround until we figure out what the heck is going on.
It seems that it was turning off the "Allow comments/labels on all products" option that got it to work for me in Firefox. Thanks for the help with this Charlie Judge, Joe2018 and Ati.
There's a new format for product pages that breaks Daz Deals.
It only shows up in Chrome for me, not Firefox or Brave, which might explain why I haven't seen any complaints about it yet.
I noticed just then as well.
In Firefox DAZ Deals just stopped working altogether ( up until now it still did show the discount percentage). Same Moment the wishlist-hearts on the thumbnails turned white.
Never mind, I'll use Chrome, because in chrome it's working. Still with white wishlist-symbols.
I use Chrome, and the product pages look the same as they did before. Can you give me an example where you see a difference? (Daz might be doing A/B testing which we are not aware of.)
The new pages look like they are created for mobile devices, they look terrible on my MS Edge desktop browser. You can barely see anything on the page without scrolling.
Here's a screenshot
Thanks for the screenshot. I tried different browsers, and all still show the same old format for me. I sent a note to @Overdrawn to see if he maybe has the new format already. We'll get on this when Daz rolls it out to everyone (or at least to us).
If I uninstall the add on then reinstall it the wish list features work. I can say just show Wish List.
However, that filter disappears the next day and I have to do it over.
Is there someone that can help me understand what I'm doing wrong?
You're not doing anything wrong. It's a bug that we've not been able to catch because it only happens to some of you (and unfortunately, not to us, the developers of the addon). A workaround is to go to the manage extension page, and toggle the "Allow in incognito" setting. Whatever it's on, change it to the other setting. This will eliminate the need to remove/reinstall the addon, and it will start working again.
In Chrome I have had to go back to this method.
The new version worked for a while. Then didn't. The checkbox workarounds don't work for me.
Yikes! Sorry to hear that! So weird!
I'm on Chrome on a Mac for what it's worth. Completely up to date on all patches, etc.
well.. after all the work you put into this addon like twice since the holidays because of the first changes, now this. new product page is a nightmare, ofc your precious addon, again, has disappeared, the most useful feature of the whole shop... and i wonder where the heck you could place it - in case you're not giving up.. maybe in this huge useless empty space with the tags?
i hope you guys (ati & overdrawn) survive this - if i was you i'd be banging my head on a wall. repeatedly and then some more.
also if someone knows how to very simply disable page styles in chrome, as i read in another comment, please tell me how - the chrome extensions for css are way too complicated.
At least it's not Christmas, so that's a plus. :D My biggest issue is that I don't have the new layout yet—I'm not sure about @Overdrawn. But from the initial feedback in the new design's thread, I assume that this is still going to change. As for the graph: if all else fails, we can just put in a tiny icon, and use a hovering pop-up or something. We'll see what the final design will be, and work with that.
no wall head banging? wow. i can't help but admire your positive attitude. wish i had just a tenth of that XDDD
Well the wishlist filter doesnt seem to work again, anyone have the same issue?
Edit: all the options seem to un-toggle themelves after leaving / refreshing the page
for me it still works, on the general shop page, as well as on a particular artist's page, or when i click the daz originals banner...
Where are you experiencing this?
In the Daz Deals page
Wow. Okay. That's new. Please try toggling the "Allow in incognito mode" setting as a workaround to see if that helps. If not, could you try removing, and completely reinstalling the addon? I don't believe we've had a report of this happening before.
Ok, now it remains toggled, but stil deosn't work.
That's quite unfortunate. Can you try reinstalling the addon to see if that helps?
Still not
I'm out of ideas. It looks like something is blocking your browser from accessing its own storage space. Could be some extremely heavily restricting firewall or addon? Try a different browser perhaps to see if the problem is with the browser or something outside of the browser. But I'm just shooting in the dark here.
Ok that worked, went from Firefox to edge and it showed back up.