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© 2025 Daz Productions Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Hi all,
If you're one of the folks (like me) who's been using the "Hide "Optional License Add-Ons" section on product pages" feature (because you've not been buying Interactive Licenses), you likely want to disable that feature today. The free (for previously owned products for the next few days) 3D Printing License option shows up in that same area now, so you need to have that disabled in order to see it.
Sorry if that confused anyone! We didn't know this change was coming (or that the price would be so good--for now). ;)
I just saw the notice in the addon, and even though this is a few months old, I'm honestly outraged on your behalf. The Daz Deals addon is literally the only reason I spend as much as I do on the store, and the short sighted greed of cutting you off as an affililate would be laughable if it weren't doing immense damage to the community and their own client base. I have no idea what Daz is doing, because if they had any sense they'd make it an official addon and support it, or integrate its features (with appropriate compensation), not cut off a vital tool that fixes the problems in its own store that it never saw fit to correct after two major store updates in the past two years.
My Daz Deals stopped working at some point in the past, but recently came roaring back to life, so thank you.
Now that I am a Daz Deals Pro subscriber, should I see that indication someplace in the plugin?
Just seen the announcement and I am very sorry to see that DAZ pulled the rug from under you. Speaking for myself, I have probably been led to more purchases than I wanted or needed just by browsing those emails so I'll be sorry they are ending for me as I try to avoid subscriptions and, as I said, I've been spending too much with DAZ anyway. Still, it seems like DAZ are also going to lose out from their petty actions if they lose the income that add-on has been generating.
I remember seeing a screenshot in the pre-release version where it was shown, but I can't seem to find it in the live version. Nothing from the addon itself is limited yet, so that may be the reason. I'll ping @Overdrawn.
(I started including an extra header in the email notifications. That will be the first feature that will be limited, as that's the one that costs us the most. Everyone is seeing the extra headers now, even if you are already a pro member.)
What an incredibly shortsighted decision by Daz. I can honestly say I've spent far more with this plugin than I ever would have otherwise, as the store is a mess without the features it adds, or the sales notifications it sends. That said, I can't add yet another subscription, so I will have to pass, and ease up on the spending here. I certianly don't have the time to wade through dozens of sales pages just to find the few assets on sale that I actually want, and I can't come back to the site every few hours to see if yet another flash sale has appeared.
Thank you for all the work you have done on this, and I wish I could support your efforts more.
I wholeheartedly agree - I've signed up for a yearly subscription to your addon because it's literally the only reason I still come here and spend too much :-). Thank you for all the work you've done on the addon so far, and good luck keeping it running
This. I don't know the decision-making process behind this, but to make the most effective advertising for DAZ into a subscription service is upsetting. No reflection on the plugin at all, which does a great job. Best of luck and no ill-will at all on my part toward the plugin developers, but I am not anxious to start paying streaming service prices for what amounts to advertising for DAZ.
$5.00 would easily pay for itself. With targeted 'spear-phishing' I want to make sure about the message before providing any CC info.
Has anyone paid the fee? Noticed any changes or too early? I noticed "Barbult" and others might have same questions.
Any information-- if appropriate at a company owned forum-- greatly appreciated. Cost/Benefit ratio still seems quite reasonable.
PS: I'd asked similar question at commons. Admin was very patient with me. Closed any further discusion on my topic, but didn'y delete it, and was very helpful in providing a link here.
My intent isn't to stir up trouble or double post. I simply need more information if or when it becomes available.
Thanks for reading.
Edited for spelling
We will be stopping the email notifications for non-pro members within a few days (planned for roughly the middle, or second half of this upcoming week). That's our biggest expense that's draining our personal pockets currently, so that needs to be the first. The next step after that will be to limit certain addon features that use our servers—that's our second biggest expense.
We're using an established, well-recognized third-party service to handle payments to make sure we don't even see any credit card info.
Thanks for reply. Rather awkward tho.
Are you at liberty to elaborate on, "The next step after that will be to limit certain addon features that use our servers..."
The price history graph and 'recent best' gives me some idea of what products might be worth if I have time to wait. Do you know if that feature will be part of Add On II?
If public forum is an inappropriate place to comment on future changes, I understand.
In closing, thanks very much for DAZ Deals. The Add On has saved me a significant amount of money over the years. : )
Both of these features require us to host and pay for our own servers which handle this information, so yes, these will be part of the Pro membership.
All features that don't require paid servers will remain free.
Thanks for such a quick reply. If math correct, think it's 16 cents/day. Easily recover that with each purchase if sale item.
At risk to repeating myself, thanks again for providing us with such a terrific Add On. : )
I signed up. I can squeeze the $5.00 cost out of my budget.
DAZ Deals is critical to me and not only for saving me money, but the forum links has helped me find what other users have said about or recommended the item(s) for. That can push me often to consider something that is still too high with a sales, into buying. Or if I am having an issue with a purchased item, I can look it up on the sales page, see if someone else has posted something and see what their resolution was for an older product. And if it is a script/utility, I can find the PA's support forum. Even the gallery links help when I can't figure out what a product 'really' looks like in today's renders.
Essentially, DAZ Deals is a great research tool.
Daz, I have no idea what you were thinking about. This was the worse management decision on your part beyond the recent ones you have made in the past few years. And those were pretty bad.
DAZ Deals is probably the most useful feature in the DAZ tore. I have curtailed most of my spending here, and without DD it will probably get cut a lot more.
Unfortunately I cannot do the pro version, I have been looking at ways to cut expenses so cannot add this onto the pile. Thanks for the great extension and much good luck to you. I will examine what is left of it once that happens and if useless remove from my browsers.
I signed up. Thank you for keeping up the extension despite DAZ being... the way they are.
Done-best of luck with this!
Is there not any paypal option 4 the subscription? I just tried to get a yearly one, and got the add credit card nr. If that is required then this is a big fat nope for me
. I would love to subscribe and support you and I get anxiety just thinking about scrolling through thousands of sale stuff without the show wishlist option, to find stuff I own without the show what I own only option.... a nightmare
. But I was the victim of credit card fraud TWICE! Nothing in this world can make me give up w my credit card nr online. Nothing. I would be very grateful 4 replies to a possible way to have a subscription, yearly, and pay through paypal, Thanks in advance! 

Can you make a disposable card somewhere? Those are single-use virtual cards. Once used, the same card data doesn't work anywhere anymore. That's what I like to use on sites that I'm not familiar with.
I would be so grateful if you can make paypal an option somehow, please. I have no idea how those cards work, and I am in a crisis, no energy to mess with a temporarily card, I'm guessing that a temp card requires me to give my actual card nr somewhere and I will not do that, promised myself to never let myself take that risk to be used again, last time they used it to buy some lousy take out food. Could you set up a paypal me thing 4 people like me, not trusting anyting else than paypal. Would be so grateful if that's possible somehow, a 2nd way to subsribe. I want to support you really bad so I can shop at daz without the nightmare it is to do it without show wishlist, show only own, and price history. Please. Thanks in advance if it's possible
Realise it sounds weird to not have energy to set up that temp card, I have been in a crisis for over a year, struggle to have strenght to go on, really no energy to set up that kind of temp card. My boyfriend already helps me w tons of stuff I have no energy for, don't have the heart to lay this on him also, too look it up. Just thought I explain why a temp card in not an option in my case. Thanks in advance if u can set up a paypal me or something like that, some way to pay through paypal
@Overdrawn is going to reach out to you soon about this.
just signed up for an annual subscription; unfortunately my buy me a coffee email is different from the one I use for daz deals notifications; do I need to do something to continue receiving the notifications?
Thank you both so much in advance if you can help me w this
, I really want to support you, it's just it has to be through paypal.
YES! We're matching the subscription to the email address, so if it's different, it won't be added. Please either send me a private message here on the forums with both addresses so I can link the two, or reply to any of the notification emails—that will come straight to my inbox.
We'd like to thank everyone for the positive feedback and all your support!
Seriously! Y'all are amazing! We appreciate the support and look forward to serving you all as long as we can!