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+1 Windows 11 Chrome
The Daz Deals browser 4.1 add-on isn't working for me with Windows 10 Edge, nor is it working in Chrome. I really miss shopping here.
There is a recent update. Be sure you have the latest version 4.1.1 installed and then go to email notifications and resave your email and passcode.
I have 4.1.1. I went ot the Email Notifications page and resaved. (I did that a couple days ago, too.) That did not fix the issues with Hide Daz+ and the Daz+ coupon filters.
Where do I find the 4.11 update?
I could not find 4.11 using Edge but I did find it with Chrome. In Chrome...After removing add-on, reinstalling, entering email, getting passcode, entering passcode, closing browser, reopening, then it works! Thank you, not my choice of browsers but at least I can shop again!
overall, happy.
puzzling bits: i just upgraded to a pro account earlier today. the daz-deals page still prompts me to unlock pro features, but when i click on that prompt button, buymeacoffee recognizes that i'm a pro subscriber. so i feel like the registration process might not have completed in some way. (the buymeacoffee site could be a little better organized, too...there's no way to conveniently access the payments options/settings from the main page; i only managed to find it by digging around elsewhere)
also, forgot my ancient passcode from signing up dog years ago. asking to send it to me again doesn't seem to work, though i do have ati in my address book.
good bits: a lot of the features/functionality i'd been missing are/is back. price history, gallery links, etc.
downside: wishlist filter doesn't seem to be working. in firefox, at least.
thanks for the plugin, though!
I'm using 4.1.1 - I never gave email address or got a passcode. I doubt those would affect the features that are not working - That would be weird. As I noted above, it seems that the url-based filters don't do what they used to do. I don't know if that's a DD problem or a result of changes to the structure of Daz website. I suspect it's the latter. If it can be fixed, that would be great! If not, the price history of items and grey-out of items that I own in a bundle are more important than the filters. And those still work!
Version 4.1.1 may not yet be available in the MS edge store I don't see the upgade in my browser either.
Subscription data may take several hours to sync. If you've just recently subscribed, try again in an hour or two.
Forgotten passcode emails are working fine, so if you have a passcode with that email address, you should get it within minutes. Make sure you use the address you signed up with (may not be the same address you use with Daz!), and that there rae no spaces before/after the address when entered.
Edge and Firefox both work for me now. Not sure everything, but what I usually use.
Thanks for posting. DAZ Deals didn't automatically update for me in edge. I had to manually go to the Edge extensions store, remove the version I had, and then add in the new version.
Yay! It is working in Edge this morning. Thank you for the fix!!!
For some reason, it won't hide DAZ+ items anymore, and it doesn't show the recent lowest price in the cart now.
Those features are working for me with DAZ Deals Pro in Chrome on indows 10.
What browser are you using? Do you have the free or the Pro version of DAZ Deals?
If I remove the Opera addons version of Daz-Deals, then install the Chrome addons store version, will my settings for it still be in place and recognized by the Chrome version?
There is no need to remove the Opera version. You can still install the Chrome version in Chrome. Once you have installed it in Chrome go to the email notifications section and enter your email address (this must be the same email you used to purchase DAZ Deals) and your Passcode, then save.
Opera has an extension you can install that then lets you install Chrome extensions, from the Chrome extensions store, into Opera. Some of the extensions I have on Opera came from the Chrome extensions store, via that Opera extension. Literally, if you go to the Chrome extensions store, in Opera, that extension adds an Install To Opera button to the relevant Chrome extension's page at the Chrome extensions store.
What I am basically asking is: If I install the Chrome version of Daz Deals into Opera, what happens to the Opera version of Daz Deals? And would I need to uninstall the Opera version of the Daz Deals extension from Opera before installing the Chrome version of the Daz Deals extension into Opera? Or would the Chrome version of the Daz Deals extension simply overwrite the Opera version of Daz Deals when I install the Chrome version into Opera?
Is there any change to get back the "% discount" filter option and "show only whishlist items"? I see they are still mising from the Daz-Deals extension.
From everything you keep repeating, the feature actually only works if you're using Chrome (Edge is also basically Chrome and eww - I use Firefox) and paying the $60/yr (pointless if not spending a lot at Daz store). At this rate, we'll reach a point where the plug-in will be completely useless unless paying the $60/yr. 'Cause what it does now is tell me the price history (key function), gray out items from bundles (key function), give best recent price in cart (excellent!), give forum and gallery links, give readme link (links nice to have). And I can't help but notice @overdrawn and @ati have ignored every report of malfunction I've made. So there's that.
If this is what it does, great! Good stuff, very helpful. But the broken functions are annoying because the controls to use them are still there.
These should be working fine. Are you using the latest version of the addon, are logged in, and are a pro member of the addon?
Rest assured, your comments are not ignored. :) We've pushed out an update to address the major issues after the recent change of the Daz website, and I'm currently gathering what's still not working after the changes. We're just regular Daz users, just like you are--we don't get any notice of upcoming changes, nor do we get a list of changes after they've happened. We can only address issues as they pop up for everyone. In fact, maybe not even then. When Daz does an a/b testing, there's no guarantee (like now) that we're even affected by the changes until they are rolled out for everyone.
@ati thank you. I completely understand. Sorry, that was not my kindest post ever. I appreciate all you and @overdrawn are doing and I am planning to grab some pro time for the big sales later in the year. And as I've said, Daz should appreciate your efforts more. I'm pretty sure your plug-in has made them a lot of extra sales! Even the free version makes shopping here a lot more pleasant.
@Ati, Is it possible for me to add the Pro options on all of my computers' browsers, or are they only able to be loaded on one computer's browser only?
Somewhere I got the idea it was one only. But there are times I would love to have access on the others without having to sit at my iMac.
You can use it in all your (compatible) browsers. All you need to do it enter the same email/passcode in the options page of the addon.
Thank you Ati!
If I uninstall the Daz Deals pluggin, then reinstall it, will all my settings for it still be there, or will they have to be recreated from scratch? If they'll go byebye with uninstalling the pluggin, would copying the relevant settings files first from the pluggin's folder allow me to reinstert the settings?
edit: Nevermind, I went and screengrabbed the settings checkboxes. I have now removed the Opera version of the addon and installed the Chrome version into Opera. Had to redo the checkboxes (and some are missing, so I guess those options from the Opera version got dropped or something) and re-insert my Daz Deals email info, but now the price-history stuff is back working again.
Oddly, I now don't see the Daz Deals icon showing up in the little bar along the upper right top of the browser. Is that a bug, or a feature? :D
Not all icons show up in the bar immediately. You can choose what to show and what not to show. Click the general "Extentions" icon, and you can pin and unpin the rest of the icons from there.
@ati my BMAC renewed my subscription on 2024-06-20 but the add-on dashboard is showing the wron expiry date, I have sent details in a private message...
I have not received that message. Please resend.