Octane Render for Carrara (OR4C) Public Beta now released..

Here it is guys n gals..
The news that MANY of you have been waiting for...
Octane Render for Carrara (OR4C) by Simon Guard (AKA: Sighman) is now in PUBLIC beta :)
Its been an amazing time helping Sighman in closed testing with some really fantastic (& highly talented) people and I am proud to have been involved from the start with such a talented developer and team. I must say that Simon worked very quick on getting a stable version out that is feature rich and testing it has been amazing. It was an extreme honor to work with some great names that many of you know such as Tugpsx, 3Dage, PhilW, DustRider and of course the developer himself, Sighman. I am pretty confident that you are going to see some AWESOME images & animations hitting your screens real soon and I cant put in to words how much this amazing plugin will change the work flow for Carrara users all over the world.
A BiG thank you to Otoy & Sighman for having me on the team, Sighman has done such a fantastic job of this plugin that you can literally get stuck in right away. With such seamless integration Carrara users new and old will find their work flow enhanced and enriched beyond expectation.
What are you waiting for? Go check it out...
Put your hand in your pocket and get some OCTANE ;)
Offline Manual:http://render.otoy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=79&t=42718
Congratulations to Sighman for developing this, I am sure it will be huge news for many Carrara users. It has been a blast to be involved in the closed beta these last few months along with Orion_UK, Tugpsx, 3Dage and DustRider, thanks guys for all the mutual support and fantastic renders! I am sure that many of these will see the light of day over the next few days and weeks to Wow all Carrara users worldwide!
I agree with everything Orion and Phil said!! It's a fantastic plugin that IMHO really enhances what you can do with Carrara. I was also a blast working with Sighman and the other beta testers on the closed beta!!!
Here are a couple renders of the Bot Shop I did literally just messing around with the latest version. The one without volumetrics took about 5 min, and as I recall the one with volumetrics took about 20-30 min. I thought I'd hit you with a render without any girls in it first - just to throw you off balance :ohh:
The stability of this plugin is VERY good as well. I've worked for hours with it without any crashes (unlike the DS plugin that crashes a lot).
Here is a test render of V6 using some SSS shaders I developed on the V5 Bree texture set (I think these got included as a part of the OR4C installation).
Here is another one from just messing around (showing that V6 does work in Carrara).
Custom V6 character using the materials/shaders in the previous post and the Path Tracing kernel. Lit with a HDRI and one mesh light (rim light). As I recall it took about 10-15 min. Not an outstanding render - but proof positive that V6, cloths, and poses can not only work in Carrara, but also in OR4C.
Here's another one of Stone Mason's scenes with a Carrara ocean primitive using the Octane sky/sun. (Hmmmm.....I think you all are going to get really tired of me :red: )
Oh, be sure to check out the OR4C video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GeGGs_QU-I
The renders and plugin do seem great. Seems like a great product. However, it cost €375. In the previous version you could buy only the plugin for €99 during beta. €375 seems too much to me and probably for many other Carrara users.
Don`t forget the manual too..
Here is a few of my images..
HellRaiser Tribute..
More skin tests..
And more..
yep, and more..
Handy this one..
ah, something is afoot...
hold on..
A little too much saturation maybe! :P
Oh no, not him again!
Lady of leisure!
Yes, it is rather expensive, especially compared to the discounted cost of Carrara if your a PC member. About a year ago, I felt it was too expensive as well, but with the announcement of the development for a Carrara plugin, I took a serious look at Octane. I got the Standalone Demo with the Poser plugin demo, started working with it, and withing a few minutes of working with it I was hooked. It's very hard to describe how much Octane really improves your workflow (due to the near real time render updates), which improves your renders.
I honestly haven't had so much fun with 3D in years!! For me, purchasing Octane and the DS plugin did mean I would have to cut expenses on 3D (and other things too), and it was also my birthday and Christmas present. All I can say is that I haven't had one little bit of buyers remorse (even though the DS plugin crashes a lot). I'm even more pleased with Octane and the Carrara plugin!!!
OC4C is very stable, and very fun to use, and produces great results. Below is about a 10 min. render (as I remember) in OC4C. A GI render in Carrara of equivalent quality would easily take twice as long with standard DOF, and high quality settings, Using ray traced DOF (which is all you can use in Octane) it would take several hours in Carrara. (Note: Please view at full resolution to see the subtle SSS on this one.)
Octane isn't for everybody. You should definitely download the demo and give it a good trial run it your interested in it. For the type of work I like to do, I've found Octane to be one of the best investments I've ever made, but of course your mileage may vary. Another important plus to using Octane, if you use Carrara, DS, and Poser like I do, then you have the ability to use the same render engine for all three, meaning you don't have to remeber hoe to set up the different shader and lighting systems in each one (this is a huge advantage for me).
Their coming to get you Barbara..
Romance is not dead...Yet!
A WIP I never finished.. well, not to date!
This image uses and HDRI for lighting and background, with a shadow catcher to keep her from floating above the sand. Another V6 character.
I modified DustRiders awesome Bree shader for one of my projects..
Not quite up to DustRiders standards but I am pleased with it :)
Last one, for now..
Here is one to compare to a Carrara native render that can be seen here: http://www.daz3d.com/gallery/#images/33015
Of course, no render samples would be complete without the Stanford Dragon!