Problem with creature creator legs in C8.5

It has been a while since I've used creature creator and I just started working on a scene that needs it. I noticed that something was very wrong with the legs and verified that just loading M4, then the hoofed legs conformed to him, is sufficient to reproduce the problem. In the T pose all is fine, but rotating a thigh is problematic because the lower part of the leg does not keep up and so causes shearing. I am using C8.5 on OS X.
My question is this, does anyone know if this is an expected behavior? The last time I used creature creator was probably in C7 and I just don't have any good recollection of problems or the lack thereof.

340 x 294 - 39K
I used it for quite a while late last year with no problems in 8.1097
maybe the limits have been turned off accidentally
you know when you give it a pose and it says' this pose is outside limits' or simialr and you have to choose whether to turn them off or leave them on?
I had a simialr probelm with the poser ram
can't r e,member how I fixed it ... dahh
maybe I reset the constraints?
When it first saw this I considered that. I started a new scene, loaded m4 and the creature creator legs then rotated. No poses. And it isn't like you rotate past a point and it blows up, rather it is fine in the t pose but rotation of the thigh and the lower leg doesn't keep up. I'll try with 8.1 when I get the chance.
Okay, if I use C8.1 everything works find. C8.5-172 it does not. Time to file a bug report...
I don't seem to have a bookmark to the old bug site and there aren't any links I can find. Has the old site been retired? Where/how to report bugs?