Corset Outfit for Genesis Supersuit

dakkuuandakkuuan Posts: 305
edited December 1969 in Freebies

Dakkuuan's Super Suit Corset Outfit
Unrestricted Use
Requires: Genesis Supersuit
Installation: Extract Contents into My Library Folder
Use: Select Genesis (or the Supersuit, not the Basic Suit) and use the Preset.

I created this as an exercise in working with the supersuit, which due to it's morphs and over 100 mat zones, can be a daunting task. Do what you will with it, but don't sell it unaltered. It uses standard supersuit shaders as to convey what you can do with the package. It's a character preset, so all you need to do is load it like it's a piece of clothing.

Available at:

I'm posting this because I'd like to see if there is interest in a possible expansion for the Genesis Supersuit, which could include trans maps and other such additions to make an even more versatile piece of clothing even more so. One thing I would really like to do if I have the time is work on a transmap that fixes the under arm problem with my corset here (actually see in my promo shot). What does everyone think?

Also, if the demand is there, I'd be willing to write a tutorial for those who don't have the time or patience to wrap their heads around Supersuit's daunting number of mat zones and morphs. It has to be the single most complex piece of clothing I've ever seen.

700 x 910 - 278K


  • ladyofmanyfacesladyofmanyfaces Posts: 83
    edited December 1969

    The Supersuit is an amazing piece, but very daunting. Your outfit a very nice example of it's flexibility.

  • dakkuuandakkuuan Posts: 305
    edited December 1969

    Thanks. I'll tell you the surface selection tool is your friend when working with it. I use the visability presets to change the opacity of a piece of it and then use the surface selection tool to select all the surfaces with no opactity. It works for more simplistic stuff, like this outfit.

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