Slow Render times
Posts: 89
this is not a new issue and I am sure that others have experienced it from time to time.
when I rendered in IRay it took 20 min to 60 min to render a scene. After my IRay died, and I switched to 3Delight the times were 2 min to 20 minutes. Acceptable despite losing that crispness in Iray I learned to adapt.
Lately my render times have been 20-24 hours! AN OUTRAGE.
Any suggestions on render settings you might recommend to a tired artist.
What is in the scene? Have the scenes grown more complex, in size or in the materials used?
3 people two props and a background. Not too complex. Its never been an issue before. Slow times come and goes but this rate of one scene every 20-24 hours is not acceptable.
Not enough data. Trying to help you based on your provided information is like trying to read tea leaves.
1) full system specs - CPU, GPU, RAM, Power Supply?
2) What operating system? Which build/update/version?
3) Render resolution?
4) Used products?
Any kind of information is helpful when debugging a problem.
Are those 20 hours rendering on 3delight? you must have a very very slow CPU or you are trying to render 16k picture LOL
generally, 3delight rendering speed highly depends on the light sources and geometry complexity.
attempt to use typical hair with 300k semitransparent polygons will slow down your rendering to crawl. so you should use an older hair design will, fewer polygons.
speaking about light sources I can be absolutely sure because I don't use 3delight anymore, but when I did use it as I remember spotlight. IBL was quite slow.
it looks as if 3delight is calculating illumination for every emissive point so the more you spread your light source the slower it renders.
so use only distant lights for illumination
One thing which happens to basically everybody is that if you continue rendering without closing Daz Studio, rendering times do increase big time. There are several threads discussing this, but the only solution so far is: shut down Daz Studio before rendering your final image.
Apart from that, it always depends on the scene. 3 figures already mean a lot for the system to compute, how many light sources are you using, and which type of light sources? Keep in mind, the system emulates all light sources and computes for each pixel how the object has to look in accordance to the light sources. Additionally, if you use HD figures with high SubD level, or increased material render settings (I normally work with 1024 to 2048, not more), then this will additionally increase render times.
As mwasielewski1990 was writing, could you provide a bit more data so we could check? Or a test render of some sort?