Saving Resolution Iteration Level Issue

Here is my problem.

If I render an image at high resolution, and 1 iteration it looks fine. If I save it that way when it renders using batch rendering or even if I reload the file it has defaulted to 2 iterations for rendering. I don't want this.

I thought if I droped to base resolution this waould fix the problem but base resolution at 1 iteration does not look so great.

Does anybody have any solutions to this issue? Thanks in advance.


  • I'm not sure what you mean here - geometry resolution on SubD items and render iterations in Iray, with one iteration being sufficient?

  • I want to render at 1 iteration. when i save at 1 iteration and reload the file it has defaulted to 2 iterations. i only want one. why does not matter. how can i save 1 iteration and have it reload 1 iteration?

  • I figured it out. Simply go into the mesh resolution 'Render SubD Level' parameter settings and change the use limits from Max 5 to max 1. Bob's your uncle!

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