Hannah Moonriver (for Genesis 1)

edited September 2014 in Freebies

Hello! So, I got to playing around with a character that I've been fighting with for some time now.... and here she is! =) This would be Hannah Moonriver. She's built on Genesis 1, with multiple different morphs from the various Genesis morph packs. She's a morphs-only character preset, intended to resemble a teenager somewhere between ages 13 and 16, and her morphs are loosely based on a Pacific Northwest American Indian tribe's features that I am familiar with.

Hannah also comes with 5 full-body poses for Genesis, as well as a zero pose. Obviously, the Genesis morph packages are NOT needed in order to use the pose files, so if you don't have the various morph packages, you can still make use of the poses.

That said... Hannah is strictly a FULL-body/head INJ/REM shape preset for Studio and Genesis. Normally, I distribute these files with partial INJ/REM's for the head and body separately as well, to give you all a bit of flexibility. I wasn't able to get that to work with Hannah, because she does use some of the G4 shape to get her preset, and apparently, the G4 shape is an all-or-nothing shot with a shape preset... LOL.

I've included the thumbnail you're looking for, the main promo image, and the shape comparison previews here for viewing. Additional previews of the package content (the poses) are on the download page, as well as on the ShareCG posting of the file.

Included Files :
1 Shape Preset for Genesis 1
1 Zero Pose
5 Full Body Poses

Required Files :
Genesis 1
Genesis Evolution : Head Morphs
Genesis Evolution : Body Morphs
Ethnicity for Genesis : Asian
Ethnicity for Genesis : Native American
G4 and F4 for Genesis (Specifically the G4 part of the package)
Young Teens 5 Julie

I think that about covers the various morph packs that she uses!

She can be found in two places; my website, or over on ShareCG.

Website :
(Click splash page, then click CHARACTERS in the LEFT hand side navigation menu. New items always appear at the bottom of the list.)

ShareCG :

Just as an aside... no, I have NOT stopped supporting the Gen4's and Gen3's... and I will be putting out some Gen4 stuff soon, as well. I just want to get a couple of things tidied up first, before I go on to the Gen4 stuff I have planned. =)

P.S. - Does anyone have ANY idea why the Underline tags are giving text italics, and why the Italics tags are doing NOTHING at all when the Underline tags are applied? Raaaaargh. I cannot get anything to actually underline anymore in these messages!

700 x 700 - 166K
200 x 200 - 23K
Post edited by Seliah (Childe of Fyre) on


  • edited December 1969

    Ooops. Here's the shape comparison (Against a Genesis Basic Female set to 1.000).

    700 x 700 - 141K
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited September 2014

    Thank you for your generosity!
    She is cute!

    May I ask which texture you used on her?

    And the forum coding is borked since the change to Magento ... sigh

    Post edited by Kerya on
  • edited December 1969


    I used Akae for V4 on her. (Setting Genesis to use the V4 uvmap.) She's here on Daz : http://www.daz3d.com/akae

    I also changed her diffuse color for her skin to : (R)227 (G)181 (B)125.
    Specularity color was set to : (R)24 (G)8 (B)12
    Glossiness is set to : 91%

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    Thanks - wishlisted!
    One of the very few Handspan Studios/Thorne ladies I don't have.
    And thanks for the settings too!

  • edited December 1969

    No problem. I figured if you were looking for the texture, you were looking at her skin tone overall as well, and I had changed those settings to get Hannah's skin tone. =)

    I actually don't have a lot of their girls, but they do lovely, and very cute work... and most of them are on my wishlist... lol... I have a few of their Gen3 girls, just haven't picked up many of their Gen4's... yet! LOL

  • ladyofmanyfacesladyofmanyfaces Posts: 83
    edited December 1969

    She's lovely! Thank you!

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