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One of the challenges with the custom character importation, is that if you use it for more than one character, the reimported bad morphs will reinfect your other characters when they are imported. I think the way around it, would be to use only the morphs and not use the character shape which controls the morphs. So when I made Owen, it made an owen shape which controls all the morphs that comprise Owen. That is added to the character mix. If you dial that out, it controls all the sub morphs. If it makes sense, I think once you get the character the way you want, you need to just dial the submoprhs on a new g9 character and leave out the one it makes to control them. Otherwise everytime you reimport the morphs the controlling morph Owen will find them and dial them back in.
I found this out after making genesis 9 Owen, that genesis 9 Boyd's morphs seem to reactivate themselves in that character file.
Many of Boyd's morphs don't work so well on genesis 9. He has a lot of facial changes and there aren many corresponding morphs for him. We shall see.
On the subject of women's clothing for males (which is basically 80 percent of the Genesis 9 clothing), here is the
On Gensis 9 Boyd.
Genesis 9 Boyd is a wip, and I'm also working on a new 'sketchy' style here
The pants fit well, but I had to tug them down or they were mom jean high. They still are a bit high, but what can I do until SY releases fit control. The hat was also huge on him, so I dialed it smaller and let him carry it. It was pointed out to me that genesis 8 female clothing also sits pretty high on the waist of male characters for some reason. I think this is true.
Overall, I love Blue Rabbits content. The jeans and hat, and boots are awesome
Karth released a latex men's shorts pack which I find useful. One thing about Genesis 9, is there is a serious lack of male basics. And women's underwear don't always work well, especially in positions where extra groin coverage is needed.
I have been wanting to upload pics but still can't seem to upload attachments.
The thread is not dead, just sadly unable to use it.
You can crosslink over to your DA images. That's what I've done now and again. Right click on the DA image, get the address, and paste it in here.
The B.E.T.T.Y. Kundan Jewelry works pretty well on G8.1 M when parented to the facial rig. It is named something entirely different in the Genesis 9 folder. There its called KJ Kundan jewelry. There are no color options, and autofit was a disaster.
Great! That seems to be working!
Unfortunatley, the robes for Genesis 8 did not work well with Genesis 9, so he is stuck using Genghis's battle armor.
I recolored the blades of the sword, which for some reason were not metal but mat.
Honi and Evandras take a quick dip in a pool with lit lotus flower lanterns
I love the color purple!
Wow, I love this! You've made him look really good in the Genghis Khan armor - I hadn't tried that armor yet, so I'm happy to see it fits him nicely and doesn't make his waist too thick. I'm so glad you like the set!
@Canary3d. I love your Immortal heroes set! I can't seem to find too much for them to wear in Genesis 9, since the robes don't fit well converted from 8. But I'm hopeful I'll get some more outfits soon. Your set is beautiful though, and you are very talented.
The 1-Click PBR skin by Josh Darling and Silas3D is an excellent product. It really takes the hassle out of converting old skins, like Boyd's to have PBR skin quality. Plus you can lighten or darken it as you like!
Thank you for the kind words! I have hair and clothing in the pipeline for them...I'm not very fast but I hope to finish the hair soon, then move along to some fighting robes.
Also, you can kitbash a decent single-layer hanfu by using the top half of Sue Yee's G9 short hanfu, and the bottom half of the fair maiden inner dress. I included custom fits for those in the set. But I've also been using a lot of G8 stuff while I wait for more G9 stuff :)
Oh! That is excellent. I'm going to have to try it. I've put the short Hanfu outfit in my cart. It is not on sale, but I will pick it up when it goes on sale.
I really want to try to do Wei Wuxan and Lan Wanji, as I have a major love of the Untamed TV series that is my current Obsession. (sigh).
I did buy Genghis's other tunic, dForce Conqueror outfit which I think might be a nice basiic, although I don't know how well it will look for hanfu, might work for extras and background characters.
So exicted about the hair. That sounds really good!
This is the dForce Conqueror Outfit. I think it looks pretty decent. Need a nice headband though!
The image link is broken.
Okay I reposted. Hopefully the link will go through this time.
The Untamed is also my obsession! In fact I have a blog where I do humorous Untamed recaps with zillions of gifs, stop by if you like that sort of thing.
I was really tempted to make a headband for promos but I didn't want to get sued, lol. This is also why the character names are JiKong and MoRan, not Wangji and Wuxian! (Ji XiangKong is WYB's character in Gank Your Heart and Beitang Moran is XZ's in Oh My Emperor)
I should make a freebie headband, though...
barbult said:
I just did. Will check it out!
I confess my sister and I are also quite obsessed. We are on the second rewatch now, your blog is amazing! I love the level of detail, and both my sister read it avidly! In fact my sister found your blog first, and insisted I read it and then I realized- Oh, hey I know this person, she's a 3d artist who sells her stuff on DAZ 3d. And it was true.
I love your episode recaps. Not a day goes by when my sister doesn't tell me, hey did you read what Canary3d said about Episode 09 or so?
I just finished watching the weird middle segment with the two cultivators Xiao Xingchen and Song. Truthfully, I fast forwarded the parts with Xiao/Yue. Once was enough. There are some funny scenes there, such as when Wuxian makes the Congee. Good stuff!
A freebie headband would be cool! I love what you did with the guys and your naming system is clever. I looked in my runtime and there is a definite lack of headbands... And appropriate ribbons Even a ribbon would be nice. But sadly, I seem to have elven diadems and bigger crowns for fantasy monarchs but not something like Wanji's simple headband.
Also Wanji's brows.
Wei Wuxian is somewhat easier. His outfits are less complicated
Would the headband from this work: It is one of my favorite outfits. Especially, with the color variations:
Wow,somehow I missed that outfit. There are some nice bits I may be able to kitbash. I may need to pick that up.
His hairstyle is pretty complex but the band is just a narrow ribbon with a cloud symbol in front.
Image link is broke again....
This whole thing with not being able to post images, is very awkward. Here is Lan Zhan's headband.
Here's another of the Canary3d morphs. The flute was a monster sized obj shrank down to fit from cgtrader, since I could not find a bamboo flute in my runtime.
Wow, like the last 2 renders there.
Serene, I was just wonderng, did you get the new combat uniform bundles?
Also, have you tried ManFriday's Figure Converter for bringing Owen and Boyd to G9? It did OK when I pulled Apollo from G8 to G9, although there was some drift.
Thank you for the kind words! As Barbult mentioned in an earlier comment, we released a big update that allows previewing changes while dialog is open and adjusting translucency color of skin as well.