How to stop animation bleed?
Short story of it, I have a character im looking to animate for a 14 seconds gif im going to make for my guild buddies. I got the character and the poses i like. I qued them all up the way i like and everything looks good.
Except when i hit play. For whatever awful reason my character is doing animations outside of where i put them. Example: Lets say shes stands there for 2 seconds then gets ready for a jump and then jumps. I have the default 30 frames per second, frame 0 to 30 is idle, 30 to 60 is prep jump and 60 to 90 is jump. The frames in 60 and 90 are feathering into frame 0. Why?! Ah, its frustrating. How do I make it, if i set a key - Thats it the key is there, dont mess with any other keys. If i set a pose at frame 30 and a pose at 60, the pose at 30 will only blend from 30 to 60.
Help please! Haha, i dont get it.
You need to change the interpolation type for the keys in the Timeline, probably to constant. By default the values are varied so that they fall on a smooth curve passing through the keys.
I think ive figured it out. So lets say I set a pose, then another and then another. If pose 3 adjusts spine bend #3 but pose 2 does not, then no mark is set for spine bend #3 from pose 2 and so pose 3 will blend the spine bend #3 position from the begining - I think thats what is happening. A work around is to go back and set the pose again on each pose i set so that itl erase the blends. Now i have the joy of wondering why its spinnig my character around for no appearnt reason