Dad doesn't install in the applications folder…

Hi everyone,

I just tried to reinstall DAZ on my MacBookPro Mid 2012 (High Sierra) and the app is not in the Applications folder.

DazCentral is in the Applications folder, but put DAZ in my home called MacBookPro… MacBookPro/DAZ3D/Applications

It puts ther DAZ3D and Data folders

Any reason for this ? Can I move this to the Applications folder without losing some paths or anything…

It wasn't like that not long ago…

Thanks in advance

Ok, I've tried with DIM, it installs DAZ in the Applications folder but DAZ looses the famous PostgreSQL CMS… And so, no smart contents…

Post edited by stephane.koguc_59613638bb on


  • Daz Central is designed as an alternative, simplified interface for the same base code as Install Manager. As such it takes only one setting for location and places everything else in sub-folders of that location. Install manager allows the setting of individual destination folders.

    Is the PostgreSQL issue that it isn't isntalled or that it is isntalled but not connecting? Check the database location in the Install Manager settings, and the permission settings for that location.

  • plarffplarff Posts: 278

    If I may jump in on this. On my pc i now notice this Applications folder. The problem I have is then i do a search for an asset, it keeps searching the Applicaitons folder first which takes time before i assume it then searches the rest of my DAZ installed folder. Is this folder and its contents necessary for PC version?


    206 x 329 - 18K
  • 3WC3WC Posts: 1,114

    Dad doesn't install in the applications folder…

    Maybe Mom can make it work? ;P

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,851

    plarff said:

    If I may jump in on this. On my pc i now notice this Applications folder. The problem I have is then i do a search for an asset, it keeps searching the Applicaitons folder first which takes time before i assume it then searches the rest of my DAZ installed folder. Is this folder and its contents necessary for PC version?

    That is going to fail to load (if you don't also have the folder selected as a content directory) or cause issues down the line (if you do - with one content directory inside another Daz Studio doesn't know which to take as the starting point for ther elative paths in saved files). You need to sort out your installation so that you do not have nested content directories - the Data and Runtime folders should never be visible in the Content Library pane under Daz Studio Formats (or Poser formats, but errors may be harder to spot there due to the limited view of the folder tree with the Poser library structure).

  • plarffplarff Posts: 278

    Hi Richard, thx for answering. If you would bear with me here as I am trying to understand what you refering to.

    The way my files are setup I honestly just decided way back to copy from the default location that DAZ setups up when installing and moved what I thought I should do to have all the assets on a seperate drive and not wheere DAZ is installed on which is on my C:drive or OS drive.

    In below images you can see my Content Directory setup and Preferences. Can you please give me pointers on which folders should rather be on the local drive or drive where DAZ is installed on ? 

    Quote " the Data and Runtime folders should never be visible in the Content Library pane"  I am not sure I follow you here.


    Richard Haseltine said:

    plarff said:

    If I may jump in on this. On my pc i now notice this Applications folder. The problem I have is then i do a search for an asset, it keeps searching the Applicaitons folder first which takes time before i assume it then searches the rest of my DAZ installed folder. Is this folder and its contents necessary for PC version?

    That is going to fail to load (if you don't also have the folder selected as a content directory) or cause issues down the line (if you do - with one content directory inside another Daz Studio doesn't know which to take as the starting point for ther elative paths in saved files). You need to sort out your installation so that you do not have nested content directories - the Data and Runtime folders should never be visible in the Content Library pane under Daz Studio Formats (or Poser formats, but errors may be harder to spot there due to the limited view of the folder tree with the Poser library structure).

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  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,851

    The Connect data folder is the partent of the first Daz Studio Formats folder, so that is an issue. Assuming you din't isntall through Connect I would suggest changing the location to match the Daz Studio Formats setting.

    Your first screen shot, in the previous post, has content in the Applications/Data/Daz 3D/My Daz 3D Library folder, by the look of it - anythign that has textures in /Runtime/Textures/ or asset files in Applications/Data/Daz 3D/My Daz 3D Library/Data/ will fail to load as Daz Studio looks for the paths starting with Data or Runtime only in the actual content directoy, not in sub-folders. Your second screenshot, in the last post, also shows a Content folder in your actual content directory - again, if that has its own Runtime and Data folders then Daz Studio will not check them when trying to find files and so anything calling for the files there will fail to load correctly.

  • plarffplarff Posts: 278

    Thank you for clearing that up... I'll have a look at my file structures.

  • plarffplarff Posts: 278

    Hi Richard.

    So i got rid of the Applications/My DAZ 3d folder only as it had I dont know how many files in it. DAZ seemed to respond faster.

    Now i see it's back. It seems to install assest in that folder. Im sure my DIMS is setup correctly and DAZ too. Any advice?

    Clearly I'm not doing something right here.

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  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,851

    What are you path settings for installation in Daz Install Manager?

  • plarffplarff Posts: 278
    edited March 2022

    As you can see my NAS mapped drive Z: where i install my assets to.


    601 x 494 - 31K
    Post edited by plarff on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,851

    Well, that should be where Install manager writes, and Daz Central should use the same (and its settings should say the paths are managed by Daz Install Manager).

  • plarffplarff Posts: 278
    edited March 2022

    Ok thank you. I'll look into this some more.

    I gather you mean that is correct for Daz Central?


    435 x 372 - 24K
    Post edited by plarff on
  • plarffplarff Posts: 278

    OK looks i have it sorted out. I have 2 pc's that i use. One is the Work or scene setup pc the other the Render pc. So i have two DIMS and Two Daz Centrals installed. Basically for some weird reason i had a custom/**** Installation path on my Work pc's DIMS. NO idea how it got there but that was causing the issues.

    Thx again Richard for your assistance.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,851

    Glad you were able to sort it out.

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