Using Bake to Transforms Freezes Studio

Making some poses ,which I have done lots of times ,make my pose using some pose controls and mostly moving bones,get to the point I want to save so I hit "Bake to Transforms" and DS throws up an hour glass ,and does nothing ....15 minutes later I click the mouse andget the message DAZ Studio not responding and the screen goes whitish .Now this has been happening for the last 2 days ,I have unistalled and reinstalled the Genesis 8 figures I have upgrade to Studio 4.15 from 4.12, still doing it and it's making me nuts !! I have run CCleaner on the computer ,to see if that helped ,I just have to resign in on every web site I go to now ,I am not computer smart and am very frustrated please


  • AntonoAntono Posts: 24

    Personally, I've found that Bake to Tansforms just takes a crazy long amount of time. Your DAZ Studio might not be really frozen, just very busy. If you wait a bit longer, it may become responsive again. 

    What does the task manager say?

  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 4,004

    Well Task manager  had Studio at 0% ,I have never had the Bake to Transforms take this long and yesterday out of frustration I left it alone for 3 hours and when I went back the hour glass was still there,and when I clicked on the screen I got the Not responding message ....and the screen went white .......that was when I did the uninstall reinstall route , but nothing improved which is why I'm here whining ........looks like I'll quit using Bake to Transforms ,but I don't understand why it is there if it's not gonna work right ...oh and Thank you @Antono for responding

  • Yeah, CCleaner needs to be adjusted so you don't nuke your logins etc.  First time I did that so long ago, was super annoying. 

    Don't do bake to Transforms myself, being happy with saving as Poses or properties .  But did notice that when I had appended the new facial rig that came out maybe a month or two ago ago, that it caused delays or worse in my workflow.  So if you have facial rig added to your character, that would impact this operation and probably make it stuck.  Usually get unresolved when there is something unusual with skeleton rig, like something new.

  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 4,004

    Well I  tried creating the same pose on Genesis 8 Male ,instead of the female and it actually worked there was stil a delay and the Not responding warning but Task Manager showed something was happening ,this time so I waited and finlly have the pose finished.hurray ..... now I have a headache ....oh well I'll work at this tomorrow ......thank you for your response Saxa--SD ,oh and no facial rig when I'm creating poses I just use a vanilla figure ,no characters ,no maaterials once in a while I will add a prop in for sitting poses or holding poses but that's it ....

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