Is it worth having a 4k monitor for DAZ Studio?



  • hjakehjake Posts: 993
    edited January 2021

    LeatherGryphon said:

    I'm still shopping.  I'm now considering one of these two:



    I like #1 for price.   But it only has two inputs.  And it's curved, I'm not convinced curved is required.

    I like #2 because it has three inputs (desirable for my layout).  Liked also for the adjustable height, and it's HP.  Same model line as my other adjustable height monitor, and I like the image and quality that I've observed in it, so far (1 year).  But it's $60 more than #1


    A curved monitor can help if you are sitting "close" to your monitor with viewing an image across the screen and having a consist image display experience since everything is equidistant to your eyeballs.

    I have two of my 27" monitors side-by-side (angled towards me) and if I sit closer than 36", then I am turning to look at each monitor which is not as much fun as it may sound. In my opinion, I don't think curved is that relevant on a monitor less than 34" in a single monitor layout.

    For those of you running older app that don't scale well on high resolution monitors you can try right clicking on your app's executable (app-name.exe) in windows file explorer. Then select properties in the right click context menu. Choose the compatibility tab and select Change high DPI settings. In the pop-up dialog box select override  high dpi  scaling behavior and try the various options in the dropdown box. I have highlighted in yeloow the items I am describing in the attached images.


    1234 x 910 - 119K
    1345 x 1452 - 131K
    Post edited by hjake on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited January 2021

    I've decided on the HP X27i monitor (almost), but I'm confused by the input port specifications*.  It says 1 HDMI2.0, 1 DisplayPort and one DisplayPort(out).  What is meant by "out"?   Is that an output meant to be daisy chained to another monitor? or is there some complexity of the DisplayPort cables that "out" has some bi-directional connectivity meaning?indecision

    Also related to cabling issues.  I have a situation where I'm trying to connect a computer with an HDMI output to a monitor with only a DisplayPort input.  I understand that DP is more capable than HDMI so a conversion cable from DP to HDMI is possible unidirectionally by dropping some of the capabilities that HDMI doesn't expect.  Also, one can get a cable going the other way i.e. an HDMI to DP cable but it costs 3 times as much and has an active electronics box attached and an additional plug, presumably to carry the extra signals to the DP device(monitor).  But what are those "extra" signals and can they be ignored and can a simple DP to HDMI cable be used in the HDMI to DP situation if one doesn't need the extra capabilities?indecision   (*Sigh*) cabling use to be so simple when you soldered two wires between the devices.frown

    * HP X27i specifications:

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • LeatherGryphon
    That looks to be a decent monitor.  I like that it is an IPS screen too...

    and all the reviews seem to be favorable.  I think you are going to be happy with it.  

    As far as your cabeling goes... is this for an aditional monitor (not the X27i we are talking about?

    I am more in the camp of "get the right tool (cable) for the job you need to do..." but I know the expense of "cables" can be a kick in the pants.

  • The deed is done.  I've ordered the HP X27i for better or worse.  And a bunch of cables to accomodate the layout and interconnectedness I envision.  My bank account weeps.indecision

  • Congrats. You'll feel better once it gets there. :)

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited January 2021

    Yeah, probably.  Will be here friday.smiley  I bought from Amazon for $329.  I looked up the same monitor at NewEgg and they want $397. surprise  So I jumped at the Amazon

    Thank you everybody for all the comments and observations.yes

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • Chumly said:



    As far as your cabeling goes... is this for an aditional monitor (not the X27i we are talking about?


    I want to use the big 27" 2K monitor for both of my image processing machines.  I sit at the bend of a "U" shaped workarea so that's where the big monitor will be.  However, because of my layout, the two image processing machines are at the far ends of the branches of the "U" bench.  But in the middle of each branch of the "U" I will have a 24" 1080p monitor connected directly to the nearest image processing machine.  In addition to that, each image processing machine will have a long cable reaching the 27" 2K monitor.  But wait, there's more... I also have my 12 year old HP computer, still alive and kicking and doing useful work so it will be using one of the 1080p side monitors too.  Then there's an old old HP machine named "George" that would get jealous if he were kicked out of the "U" so I'm going to try to let him share one of the monitors.  And finally, I have a keyboard and mouse and network setup for any customer's machine that comes in for repair.  I'd like to get a KVM switch to share one of the side monitors with it.  I've designed a couple of different cabling diagrams but am waiting to see how all this new layout actually works out before deciding on the KVM switch.  If all else fails, and the customer's machine doesn't have the right type of connector I may just have to play musical chairs with direct cable connections, but I'd rather avoid that.  I have a dedicated 15 year old 19" 900p monitor that could be used but there's no place to put it.  But perhaps "George" and the customer repair machine could share the 19" 900p monitor.enlightened  Wheee.  Cables galore! smiley

  • Congrats LeatherGryphon!
    You are gonna love it!... Report back once everything is in place Friday/Saturday!

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited January 2021

    Wheee..., new monitor is in place, works perfectly except that unlike what the catalog implied, it only has two input ports (HDMI & DisplayPort).  Apparently the catalog's listing of a "DP(out)" either means something else or is an error.  But there is no 2nd DP port.  Bummer!sad

    What a joy to work on a screen with more stuff on it  Yes the text is a little smaller but I can read it without trouble.smiley

    The size (27") is perfect for the space it's in.  32" would have been too big and force me to rearrange or eliminate some of the crap (er.. accoutrements) on on my desk (pen holders, speakers, microphone, audio switch, calendar, calculator, pen cup, business card holder, honorary gold pen & pencil holder, current postal mail that needs attending to, pile of 4x5" scrap paper, pile of 4x5" memo notes & paper weights, small two-layer shelf, dust brush, just lots of sh.. (um accoutrements), all somehow necessary for survival.  Yep, 27" is just fine.yes

    Unfortunately, the lack of the 2nd DP input caused me to have to play musical chairs with computers & connections & cables.  I almost succeeded with the cables I'd bought and the cables I had on hand, and without having to buy anything new.  But to get the complete setup that I had envisioned, I'm going to have to buy at least a 2-port HDMI KVM switch.  Which would be good because it would eliminate at least one keyboard/mouse pair and an ugly keyboard cable snaking across an otherwise clean workbench.enlightened  Yay, more catalog browsing.

    Now, I'm going to have to get on the floor again and behind the computers to rearrange all the new (and old) cables and re-tie them into neat bundles again.  It looks like scrambled spaghetti at the moment.frown  But my joints ache, my back is screaming from lifting the monitor and twisting under and behind computers and leaning over places I should have moved furniture to get to.  I'll leave the tidying up for another day.  I have managed to rebox all my opened boxes of used cables and keyboard & mice and adapters.  I've also disposed of the shipping boxes & packing material and the livingroom/office now looks presentable again (except for the spaghetti behind the desks).  And my new monitor stands proudly at the head of the "U" shaped work area gleaming new, and it's little green stripe of LED light at the bottom breathing gently, just oozing IF (Impress Factor).  Ooh, colors...smiley

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • Glad your happy with it. I figured you would be. :)

    DP out might have something to do with the power. I am not completely clear on it, but I believe DP connections have some sort of charge running through them. One of the reasons why finding a conversion cable from / to DP isn't easy.

  • DaveDave Posts: 183
    Absolutely worth having I use a 42 inch 4k monitor running at 3840 x 2160 definitely worth having ,wouldn't want anything smaller my pc is mainly used for Daz studio vue and blender.
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