how do I turn on the humpty body PLEASE THANK YOU (BLESS YOU)

I did it once
and can't find where you do it
can someone snapshot a window shot of WHERE IT IS (please thnk you - you will be blessed)
I have created an awesome funny mini humpty
and need the body back
thank you

1553 x 1139 - 285K
Parameters(tab)>Display>Visible in viewport
Set this to on.
Select the nodes with the closed eye symbol, and click the eye symbol(to open), in the Scene tab
how do I turn [the humpty dumpty body] it on please thanl you
Edited for Please put your question in the post body and the title - Daz 3D Forums
This ? It has a fairly normal body as far as I can see, the ehad is the most dramatic difference - is that working?
If you're still around (lolol - a year later)
I've had to reinstall - came back here - and I matched and did what you said.
and the body - is not appearing. the eyes are on the body.
any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong? Please thanks
I know I'm missing something obvious in turning on the body
PLEASE - if anyone see's where I screwed up - let me know I need the body on asap.
Threads merged.
You are currently using the Filament Drawstyle in the Viewport - what happens if you try a different Drawstyle, or if you render?
And another thread merge.
Having seen the imaeg and had a look at the product page, there is "One Head Geograft to hide the body" - that is, an additional element that hides the body and, I assume, caps the neck opening. You probably have that loaded - delete it from the scene (it's probably a child of the Humpty node in the Scene pane)..
heres a draw style change - no body
I can turn the body graft off - but not delete - without deleting the head
at one time - I thought there was something in the render settings I 'turned on' but I haven't found anything that turns the body on -
And or there is some slider I am missing but I don't know where . :(
You need to delete the graft or set it to be Fit To None - hiding it doesn't turn the mesh-hiding off.
thanks so much - he's an evild demon who posses a bad guy - and they look like mini me w similar outfits lololol
almost upong render
the body parts glow - something else needs to be clicked
Those would be surface settings, I don't know which presets might adjust them.