Genesis 8.1 presets( & other presets



  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,828
    edited February 2021

    Render time

    Alien Combo 1 Topaz.png
    1600 x 1200 - 4M
    Post edited by Bunyip02 on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    sometimes determination just isnt enough. frown

    trying to get the pose controls to show up.

    showing up isn't enough, control not working. crying

    changed the parent string on the arms up/down.
    so now it shows up.

    then was like, mebbe it needs the individual left and right controls.
    updated the parent string.
    changed visible to true
    changed the presentation group, took hidden out of the string.

    now i need snacks and some rejuvenation.


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    prolly needs all these set to 8_1

    pose control L R.JPG
    788 x 658 - 80K
    pose control.JPG
    883 x 528 - 71K
    965 x 670 - 104K
    all this.JPG
    830 x 587 - 107K
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    interseting post in comons.

    dummy files blocking stuff g8 stuff on g8.1


    pretty dastardly.  copied down the info in case thread gets deleted.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    the cowbell with the Toon Cow crashed carrara.

    this preset fixes a ghost node pareting issue.

    1280 x 720 - 565K
    Toon Cow
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited May 2021

    been 3 years, i've not found a way to fix the g8f toe bug with a preset.

    what i do, when i'm ready to save a g8f character to carrara,
    i swap in a temporary Genesis8Female.dsf  file.
    its in the DS content Data folder  C:\DSLib\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female

    its a notepad operation,
    paste in the list of missing vert values to the section under root region, maps. values [
    where it says count, update the number to 2,467  Save

    in Carrara save your g8 character to carrara, using the g8f character preset.

    then in your ds content data folder, swap back in the original Genesis8Female.dsf
    back to business as usual.

    attached a text file with the missing verts list

    toe fix file.JPG
    349 x 341 - 34K
    toe fix, paste in, update count.JPG
    1064 x 636 - 78K
    73ToeFaces for actor region.txt
    Post edited by Mistara on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited May 2021

    well, i figured out how to add the missing polyes to actor from inside the plugin,

    Using the gometry editor tool.




    Post edited by Mistara on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    man it sux.  to know how to fix it, but no way to legally put it in a preset

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    Mystiarra said:

    man it sux.  to know how to fix it, but no way to legally put it in a preset

    But thank you for identifying the probloem and sharing the solution.  yes

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    i'll try 1 more support ticket.  i been sending one annually for the last few years. lol

    after this i put the issue to rest.  tis a shame, but whatcannayoodo

  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235

    Genesis 8.1 already has all toes polygons in the feet region, whereas G8 has some toes polygons assigned to the actor region.

    Screenshot 05-25-2021 19.04.18.jpg
    1437 x 1138 - 298K
    Screenshot 05-25-2021 19.01.52.jpg
    1437 x 1138 - 789K
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    I don't know how to make all the G8F characters and pose controls work on G8.1F?

    shapes don't show on the parameter tab

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    adding a convert rigging button to the ds toolbar is a timesaver.angel  also added a save character preset.

    from the menu, its window, workspace, customize.

    the toolbar tab.

    in the left column look for the action, and drag it over to the toolbar list.


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