Issue with DIM
Use to me able to click in the Remember me box so you didn't have to always have to type in your password when logging into DIM to check for updates or download content. Now that box is grayed out is this a feature that has been removed? Just curious any info would be appreciated
Thanks in advance
I think that "remember me" is a "your millage may vary" sort of thing. On my main computer it has never worked at all. My laptop it has always worked like a charm. Is it possible that an update from something else has interfered with it?
Are you sure the Work Offline box isn't checked?
It always worked before on my Main PC and laptop and no the work offline is not check see screen shot it is grayed out ever since the most recent update is when it stopped working. Just seems odd that when I updated to the current version of DIM is when it became grayed out.
Is it still grayed out after typing in your password?
Yes even after typing my password it still stays greyed out