dividing a face to create a new morph - help!
Posts: 143
I have a character morph for G8M that has modelled hairline directly on the base figure, is there a way I can isolate the actual face (eyes, nose and mouth area) and transfer it as a new morph on another G8M?
Any suggestions greatly apprecited!
Will it work to completely remove the morph from the forehead, or are you going to need a gentle transition? If it;s OK select the areas you want to clear with the Geometry Editor (probably easiest using the list of Surfaces in the Tool Settings pane, then add any extras in the Face group to finish), right-click>Geometry Selection>Convert Selection>Convert to Vertex Selection (I did it that way as it made it easier to do the selection). Make the morph a Favourite by clicking the heart icon on ths slider, and un-favourite any other morphs. Right-click>Morph Editing>Clear Selected Deltas From Favourites.
That worked perfectly thanks very much