New To Reality/Luxrenderer and could use some tips

I'm new to using the Reality Plugin to Luxrender and I was wondering if anyone could answer a few questions I have.
Do Ubersurface properties translate to Lux?
Can you get AoA's Subsurface Shader (the one that's standard with Gen2) to work with Lux?
Can I use Uberenvironment to light a scene when rendered in Lux?
What are some good settings for skin in Lux in the event AoA's SSS doesn't work?
Any information would help, I'm just shooting in the dark with my test renders and I am very unfarmiliar even with the terminology in Lux's dialog boxes :D
Oh, another question I have is, "Is this normal behavior for Lux? (See attached image)" It's kind of a complex scene, but I thought Lux was supposed to start with a rough image and work its way to he detail work, not the other way around.

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