How to get mouth morphs into Master Clips for Lip Synch

I have a figure from DAZ that has pre done morphs for speaking (about 10 lip shapes) but no DMC file.
In order to make a custom DMC file with Mimic for Carrara Pro, I need to get those varied mouth morphs into NLA Master Clips.
Not sure why, but I can't do that in Carrara 8.1 Pro or Carrara 8.5 beta (on Windows 7, 64 bit system)
I've tried both creating Master Poses and Master Clips, but can't get these to show up inside the Clips area at the bottom right of interface (with Scene - Instance/Objects/Shaders/Sounds/Clips).
For the figure, I have to select the head to get the morphs show up, so I can dial in a W or U or whatever letter.
I then need to click on the root of the figure to go back to the NLA tab.
If I create a Master Clip the morph doesn't seem to take - and the pose doesn't disappear as NLA is created like it used to even though I have the delete object key frames box checked.
When I tried creating a Master Pose, the first time it did show up in the clips panel, but then disappeared and cant get it to show up again.
I've tried selecting both the character root and just the head in the Parameters tree while creating the master clip - still no luck.
Can anyone explain the right way to do this?
Could there be something locked about the figure that's messing things up?
I remember doing a test on a vertex object with morphs and NLA clips a month or two ago for Mimi in Carrara, and things worked fine.
Thanks for any help.
Is the DAZ figure Genesis? I understand there are issues with Genesis and Mimic compatibility....
No, not genesis. It's a political figure from 9mbi from a couple of years ago.
If it uses standard morph names for the mouth shapes, try using the V3 dmc. NLAs generally get fussy about using poses on the wrong figure, but the DMC is just a txt file so maybe...
Other than that, I can't think what might be blocking it, assume it is figure specific?
If it uses standard morph names for the mouth shapes, try using the V3 dmc. NLAs generally get fussy about using poses on the wrong figure, but the DMC is just a txt file so maybe...
Other than that, I can't think what might be blocking it, assume it is figure specific?
I just tried with a 3rd-party figure and loading the V3 dmc onto a random figure is actually possible.... It doesn't really work on this particular figure however (he just doesn't have many mouth morphs and none are the same name as V3 except possibly Mouth Open...)
Since you think it worked before, I suggest trying a fresh version of the figure or another 9mbi figure... to see if you can get it working...
Hey Holly -
WHen I said it worked before, I meant the process of making NLA clips and using them in Mimic for Carrara worked on a simple vertex object that I made just to test the process.
I have NOT gotten it working for this figure and have tried loading it a few different times both in C8.1 Pro and C8.5 beta.
I'll try a couple of other figures I have.
Didn't think this would be a problem at all. Will do some more experimenting on just getting any NLA clips to 'take'